Last updated: Friday, 17 June 2022 | Rāmere, 17 Pipiri, 2022
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Ōtākou Health Limited – Phase 1
MCCF contracted and fully paid $1.1 million in funding to Ōtākou Health Limited to support vaccination uptake for whānau in Southland/Ōtākou, Balclutha, Milton, Oamaru and Puketai.
To help boost vaccination rates in their rohe Ōtākou Health Ltd set up drive-through vaccination clinics and a ‘hop on clinic,’ that would go out to whānau in rural and isolated areas to ensure that they had access to vaccinations.
Where there was a need Ōtākou Health would take vaccination services out to small groups in the community and provide in home vaccinations.
Ōtākou Health held a successful vaccination event with the Highlanders at Forsyth Barr Stadium where whānau could meet and get vaccinated with their favourite players and show support for the team.
Working with schools, clinics onsite immediately after school provided reliable information and vaccinations for children, whānau and school staff.
Ōtākou Health also supported Mongrel Mob and Mangu Kaha with their requests for information and vaccinations. Feedback received from these groups showed that Ōtākou Health provided respectful and trusting engagement and both groups expressed their appreciation for the way communication was delivered.
The pūtea provided by the MCCF to Ōtākou Health Limited has helped support 2,143 vaccinations in their rohe.
Te Roopu Tautoko ki te Tonga Incorporated – Phase 1
$100,000 investment, targeting at lower income, rangatahi, kaumatua, rural and homeless whanau across Southern DHB area.
Successful activities:
- Pop up clinic held in Brockville, a suburb with high Māori and Pacific residents and low socio-economic status. 30 people received their first vaccination - most were of Māori or Pacific descent
- Pop up clinic in Mosgiel was promoted through schools and other community/health agencies in that area and surrounding rural communities
What’s working well
- Strong reach of the organisation into hard-to-reach communities which provides them with important intel and networks who spread the word for them in those hardly reached whānau
- Pop up barber shop alongside the vaccination van in which whānau get free haircuts if they get a vaccine (at the Brockville Clinic)
Te Kāhui Hauora o Te Waipounamu – approved Phase 2 proposal
Ministers have approved this proposal worth S2.530 million to enable activities that will support and protect approximately 4,000 whānau within the Te Waipounamu region.
The pūtea provided by the MCCF to Te Kāhui Hauora o Te Waipounamu will enable their partners to drive a Māori led response to support whānau to protect their communities against COVID-19 and in doing so increase the resilience of Māori communities.
Te Kāhui Hauora o Te Waipounamu will develop and disseminate information in different ways to ensure a wider reach including online webinars, information booklets and facilitating whānau planning workshops so that each whānau can develop their own response plan based on their unique circumstances.
Te Kāhui Hauora o Te Waipounamu will ensure that Te Kāhui providers are supported to respond directly to the increasing needs of whānau due to COVID-19 through the establishment of a centralised operations centre which will liaise and coordinate between partners, Government and Ministries to ensure there is a cohesive and robust support system for whānau to meet and overcome the challenges of COVID-19.
Flu Vax Health Day in Mataura
Awarua Whānau Services nursing team at Mataura and Districts Marae, Rea Salesa-Henry, Health Care Assistant, Nadine Goldsmith, Nurse Practitioner and Kimmel Manning, Registered Nurse, (seated).
Mataura Marae recently held its second annual Flu Vax Health Day offering a free hāngī to whānau who received either a flu, COVID-19 or MMR vaccination.
“It was a great success with 35 whānau getting their flu vax, seven MMR vaccinations and two COVID-19 vaccinations,” says marae trustee Constance Waihape.
The health day was a collaboration between the marae and Awarua Whānau Services, Invercargill, with three kaimahi supporting the kaupapa.
Nurse Practitioner, Nadine Goldsmith says it was good to see whānau of all ages opting to get the flu vaccination and still making the decision to protect themselves against COVID-19.
The health day builds on the work the marae has been leading in partnership with Te Whānau o Hokonui Marae, Gore Food Bank and the Community Connector to respond to whānau need during COVID-19.
“We’re all working together to make sure we cover all whānau in our communities, we’ve supported almost 300 whānau,” says Constance.
“Te Puni Kōkiri and the Māori Community COVID-19 Fund has been instrumental in helping us offer a range of support for whānau. We continue to deliver kai and care packages to whānau isolating and those struggling from COVID-19 impacts.
“Our health day builds on that work and helps strengthen and deepen our relationships with some of the hard to reach in our community.”
The marae and Awarua Whānau Services are looking at running another health day later in the year aimed at men and young women.