Whānau Ora Review Report - Tipu Mātoro ki te Ao

The Whānau Ora Review Report - Tipu Mātoro ki te Ao, affirms this unique whānau ora approach is working well for Māori and Pacific families

Review Process

In April 2018, the Minister for Whānau Ora appointed the Whānau Ora Review Panel. It's role was to review Whānau Ora and assess how well the initiative is providing better outcomes in the community and responding appropriately to the diverse needs of whānau and families.

Check out this video for more information.

The Review Panel was given a six month period to conduct the Review beginning in April and concluding in September 2018. From September to November the Panel developed their final report and findings. This was delivered to the Minister on 5 November 2018.

The Whānau Ora Review Panel engaged with whānau, providers, and agencies throughout the consultation period. It engaged twice with the Commissioning Agencies – Te Pou Matakana, Te Pūtahitanga o Te Waipounamu and Pasifika Futures - and met with 184 whānau, 74 partners and providers, 104 Whānau Ora Navigators, 19 whānau entities and 16 government agencies at 19 locations across the country. They also received 277 public submissions.

Report Findings

Aggregated together, all the findings of the report provide a strong case for further policy exploration into the extent and sustainability of change reported by whānau engaged in this phase of Whānau Ora, and the efficacy of the whānau centred approach.

The most compelling finding of the report is its affirmation of the Whānau Ora approach, as an approach that works.

This is a powerful finding which therefore creates the platform for other findings regarding greater investment from government and increased collaboration across agencies to expand its implementation.

Additionally, there are a number of findings concerning suggested improvements which Te Puni Kōkiri is addressing.  For instance, the development of the Whānau Ora story and promotional initiatives is already under way. A Whānau Ora Summit was held to share information and learnings from its whānau development work aimed at increasing the adoption of whānau centred approaches.

The two findings which propose exploration of localised commissioning approaches and addressing strategic governance matters including the needs of Pasifika do require more scoping.

More importantly however, these aspects of the report require wider discussion with a range of groups across the Whānau Ora system. This work is already under way.

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