Last updated: Friday, 22 September 2023 | Rāmere, 22 Mahuru, 2023

What do you mean by whenua Māori, and who would be eligible for this funding?

The following categories of land are eligible for this funding, subject to the other criteria that apply:

  • Māori freehold land, Māori customary land and Māori reservations as set out in Te Ture Whenua Māori Act 1993
  • Land held by Post-Settlement Governance Entities (including Treaty settlement land)
  • General land held by owners of whenua in the above categories which is managed together with that whenua.

Who can apply for funding?

  • Owners, trustees, (or the committee of management in the case of a Māori land incorporation) of the above categories of land.
  • Entities acting as umbrella organisations for owners of eligible whenua. Umbrella organisations need to be able to show that they have been authorised by the owners to act on their behalf.
  • Entities appointed by the Māori Land Court to act on behalf of owners.

How much funding is available?

  • $30 million is available for the management of sediment and debris on affected whenua Māori in Tairāwhiti and the Hawke’s Bay.
  • An additional $2 million is available for the management of woody debris in catchments on whenua Māori in Tairāwhiti and the Hawke’s Bay.

What form will the support for whenua Māori take?

  • The $30 million funding will be provided as grants that can be used for costs related to the clean-up of sediment and debris on whenua Māori.
  • The $2 million funding will be provided as grants that can be used for costs related to the management of woody debris in catchments on whenua Māori.
  • Te Puni Kōkiri is leading engagement with affected communities to better understand the needs of landowners and the location of affected whenua.

Where can I get more information?

  • Enquiries can be made to the Whenua Māori Service staff at your nearest Te Puni Kōkiri regional office or email SedimentandDebrisWhenua@tpk.govt.nz.
  • If leaving a message, please provide your name, contact details and a brief description (e.g. names) of the land blocks concerned.

How will you ensure this support works for whenua Māori owners?

  • Te Puni Kōkiri will be engaging with affected communities to identify affected land blocks and to talk to landowners and communities about the kind of clean up assistance be best suited to their needs and aspirations.
  • Community and collective approaches are encouraged, where this is the choice of the landowners and communities.
  • Please contact the Whenua Māori Service staff at your nearest Te Puni Kōkiri regional office or email SedimentandDebrisWhenua@tpk.govt.nz.
  • If leaving a message, can you please leave your name, contact details and a brief description of the land blocks concerned (e.g. the names of the blocks).

How can I access the funding for sediment and debris?

  • Eligible owners of whenua Māori, trustees and entities can apply for funding through the Whenua Māori Service staff in the nearest Te Puni Kōkiri regional office or email SedimentandDebrisWhenua@tpk.govt.nz

Can I receive funding under different parts of the sediment and debris package?

  • The different parts of the sediment and debris packages have different purposes and therefore different criteria. The Whenua Māori Service in Te Puni Kōkiri can help you decide where to apply.