Cultural Infrastructure and Capability

Cultural Infrastructure and Capability looks at support across the State Sector for marae communities, marae heritage, mātauranga Māori and marae usage.

Last updated: Tuesday, 13 August 2024 | Rātū, 13 Hereturikōkā, 2024

Oranga Marae

Oranga Marae is a programme of support, advice and investment for marae. It gives whanau and hapū advice and support to help develop their marae and achieve their goals. This support may include activities to revitalise cultural knowledge.

Oranga Marae is provided by Te Puni Kōkiri and the Department of Internal Affairs. Click here to visit the Oranga Marae webpage to visit the Oranga Marae webpage.

Department of Internal Affairs

Mātauranga Māori Marae Ora is a new contestable fund that offers $5.7 million over two years to support marae communities directly with projects that protect and revitalise mātauranga and taonga on marae. The purpose of the fund is to support marae communities to retain, protect, or transmit their mātauranga and care for their taonga. It is one of 18 initiatives that sit under the $20 million Mātauranga Māori Te Awe Kōtuku Programme which is part of the Arts and Culture COVID Recovery Programme being led by Manatū Taonga.

The Fund is now open and for further information please follow the link below:

Ministry for Culture and Heritage

The Ministry for Culture and Heritage's Cultural Funding Guide is an online database designed to make sources of funding for arts, cultural and heritage activities easy to find. You will find funding sources for individuals, groups and organisations, as well as potential sponsors.

Creative New Zealand

Creative New Zealand invests in artists and arts organisations through a number of programmes:

  • Toi Ake is a funding initiative tailored to iwi, hapū, whakapapa-based roopu and maata waka to cultivate and retain heritage Ngā Toi Māori. Toi Ake is offered twice a year and the closing dates for 2014 are 28 February and 5 September.
  • The Tohunga/Tukunga initiative supports the preservation and transmission of traditional Ngā Toi Māori knowledge and practice, by funding mentoring relationships between Tohunga and Tukunga. The aim is to enable Māori communities to support tohunga within communities to pass on cultural traditions and artistry.

Department of Conservation

The Mātauranga Kura Taiao Fund is a contestable fund supporting hapū/iwi initiatives to retain and promote traditional Māori knowledge and its use in biodiversity management.

Ngā Whenua Rāhui is a contestable Ministerial fund established in 1991 to provide funding for the protection of indigenous ecosystems on Māori land. Its scope covers the full range of natural diversity originally present in the landscape.

Archives New Zealand

The Recordkeeping Capability team at Archives NZ is responsible for promoting the importance of archives across New Zealand, providing archival training, advice and support to empower communities to manage and care for their archives/tāonga.