Annual Report for the Year Ended 30 June 2010
Key Impact Measures 2009/10
The table reports on the results/effectiveness specifically designed to report on
the extent of Te Puni Kōkiri's activities/outputs linked to which our activities
directly impact on the to high level outcomes. These measures were outcomes being
pursued. See pages 1215.
Long Term Outcome: Māori position as Treay partner is secured and enhanced
Impact Measure
Impact Dimension
Contributing Output
Progress of Groups through settlement processes
Pre-entry and progress in negotiations processes
Mandating (over 100), ratification and facilitation hui were observed and reported
on within the timeframes of settlements work driven by OTS and dependent on iwi
Resolution of inter (and intra) iwi disputes
Following facilitation, many Groups were able to progress their settlement processes.
Enhanced Post Settlement Governance Entity Fund (PSGE) readiness to manage settlement
Assisted Māori to accelerate enduring settlements through statutory frameworks such
as Paepae Rangatira and the Waikato River Accords.
Involvement in Government processes
Improved consultation and engagement practise
Established engagement processes and protocols, range of mechanisms and direct consultation
with iwi leaders/ technical advisors to improve the discipline of engaging Māori
in policy development.
Increased capability of Māori providers
Number of iwi approved by the Secondments Steering Group, and work progressed to
match iwi with state sector employees seeking secondment opportunities.
Success rate of nominations and appointments advice
Provided nominations advice for 183 Government appointed Boards and organisations.
Of 45 Boards, 42% of successful Māori appointees were nominated by TPK.
Treaty considerations inform key decisions
Government is better apprised of Māori rights and interests in natural resources,
representational and constitutional issues
Assisted in development of natural resource management principles; advised Auckland
Council on treaty of Waitangi interests of mana whenua and taura; advice on Freshwater
and Foreshore and Seabed.
Support for Māori Affairs legislation
Stakeholder involvement in and support for design
Engaged with stakeholders on Māori Purposes Bill; Pukepuke Tangiora; Wi Pere and
associate Trust Boards and/or Trustees.
Cabinet Support for proposals
Assisted Māori Affairs Committee Inquiry into Māori Community Development Act.
Passage of legislation through Parliamentary stages
Advised on Māori Trustee Amendment Act; Whakarewarewa and Roto-a-Tamaheke Vesting
Act; and Waka Umanga (Māori Corporations) Bill.
Long Term Outcome: Māori Achieve Enhanced Levels of Economic and social prosperity
Impact Measure
Impact Dimension
Contributing Output
Consideration of impact on Wellbeing informs key decisions
Government is better apprised of the issues impacting on the wellbeing of Māori
and whānau
Advice provided to agencies on a wide range of key justice sector and social sector
legislative changes.
Key agencies are better apprised on issues impacting on programme and service effectiveness
for Māori
Monitoring report on literacy and numeracy services to Māori workforce circulated
to other agencies. Advice provided to agencies on a wide range of key justice sector
and social sector policy changes and the potential impact of these on Māori.
Māori are increasingly aware of and accessing their entitlements and other Government
Increased level of engagement with Māori and whānau
Developed and implemented programmes to support Māori whānau including Kaitoko Whānau,
Oranga Whānau and Māra Kai. Undertook a series of regional hui to engage with Māori
and whānau on the development of Whānau Ora with very high levels of attendance
across the country.
Uptake of information about entitlements and support services
Examples include investments in the development of a Charities Act training tool
piloted with eight Māori Charitable entities. Facilitated and brokered relationship
with MoH, Sanitary Works Scheme to achieve a grant for upgrade septic tanks on Arowhenua
Māori Reserve 881.
Enhanced Māori provider services
Improved accessibility of services to Māori and whānau
Enhanced Māori provider services
Increased Māori provider capability
In addition to work being undertaken to implement the Whānau Ora Approach, work
was completed on a reporting tool for both Oranga and Kaitoko Whānau programmes.
Developed a schedule of good practice tools for Whānau.
Long Term Outcome: Māori prepared for future opportunities
Impact Measure
Impact Dimension
Contributing Output
Contributing Output Impact on education and skills pathways informs key decisions
Government is better apprised on the issues impacting on Māori education and skills
Advised on Māori education and skills pathways in various areas of policy/ programme
development including overall policy and regulatory settings and next steps, have
informed Government by these issues.
Increased availability of Māori centred education, skills and training opportunities
Committed $2.3m in support of 2,000 Māori engaged in a range of training and education:
50 cadetships in areas of employment growth for Māori; Professional and Group Training
agreed by Minister’s Economic Taskforce; 27 new teacher trainees; funded LENScience
– for Māori students in 25 schools in South Auckland, approx. 850 students involved;
390 Māori engaged in the Infratrain (Industry Trade Training) programme; and 70
trainees in partnership with Seafood ITO.
Enhanced Māori business services
Increased availability of Māori business services
Apart from MBFS mentioned later in this report, TPK was involved with regional/
national agencies to promote business growth: Connect-A in Bay of Plenty; and Rugby
World Cup 2011
Increased uptake of business services by Māori business
Refer to MBFS commentary on page 27, clients registered in 2009/10
Enhanced opportunities for asset utilisation
Māori are more aware of asset utilisation opportunities
Number of projects initiated/ ongoing include: Shangai Expo 2010; Rugby World Cup;
Māori Innovation; Aquaculture Reform; Carbon Markets; Agribusiness; and Primary
Sector training initiative. All focus on raising Māori awareness of economic opportunities.
Barriers to asset utilisation are reduced
Te Ture Whenua Māori Act – scoping of a review; Options for rating and valuation
of Māori land – paper to Cabinet; Resource Management Phase II Reforms; Aquaculture;
and Climate Change.
Long Term Outcome: Māori Succeeding as Māori
Impact Measure
Impact Dimension
Contribution Output
Opportunities to access language and culture
Enhanced levels of support for and action on Māori language and culture initiatives
TPK led or participated in new Māori language (ML) initiatives: ML Crown entity
survey; case study ML plan for iwi radio; ML social Marketing initiative; completed
evaluation of Whānau Language Development programme; and an analysis of the ML Attitudes
Opportunities to access language and culture
Direct support and promotion of language and culture initiatives results in increased
numbers of and participation in events
Significant language and culture events supported included; celebration of 100 years
in Māori rugby; Matariki; regional Manu korero competitons; taonga register for
Te Rongomai o Te Kakara and the Ngā Tama Toa Trust book translation project
Strengthened cultural infrastructure
Marae are more aware of their development requirements
Development reports emanating from the Marae Development project identify key issues
as :People capacity & capability; Governance and management; Insurance; Fire
safety, and succession planning, particularly kaikaranga and kaikorero.
Increased levels of marae participation
998 marae idenitified and approx. 750 invited to participate in national survey
to determine future development aspirations and opportunities. Project to continue
in 2010/11.
Uptake of information about cultural infrastructue
Completed an evaluation of investments allotted to cultural initiatives that will
inform future investment proposals.
Pariticipation in iwi and hapū based events
Supported numerous initiatives includingK Māori Market; Atamira; Whanau Ora; sport
& culture events; Tourism opportunities and communications.
Government is better apprised of Māori interests emerging from the WAI 262 report
The release of the WAI 262 report is pending. Policy advice to date has ensured
that Government policy decisions do not pre-empt the report.