Annual Report for the Year Ended 30 June 2010
Table of contents
- Cover Page
- Mai te Manahautū/From the Chief Executive
- He Kupu Whakataki/Introduction
- Statement of Responsibility
- Key Outcome Indicators
- Key Impact Measures 2009/10
- Audit Report
- Statement of Service Performance
- Policy - Economic and Enterprise
- Policy - Crown Māori Relationships
- Relationships and Information
- Operations Management
- Ministerial Economic Taskforce
- Whānau Ora Administration
- Organisational Capability
- Financial Statements for the Year Ended 30 June 2010
- Notes to the Financial Statements
- Notes to the Non-departmental Financial Statements
Mai te Manahautū/From the Chief Executive
Rau rangatira mā, tēnā koutou, Tēnā koutou e pānui nei i te pūrongo ātau, o ngā kaupapa kua oti i a Te Puni Kōkiri, i te tau kua huri nei.
I am pleased to provide the Annual Report that details the Te Puni Kōkiri financial and nonfinancial performance, including selected key achievements and challenges during the 2009/10 financial year.
Te Puni Kōkiri has fared favourably from an independent assessment of its performance and capability. Having volunteered to be one of the first four Government departments to be assessed, we will now initiate improvement actions from the report prepared by lead assessors and the heads of three central agencies. We are generally viewed by other agencies as a constructive team player that provides good support to Crown entities. Operationally, we are considered to be well run.
This feedback augurs well for the future of Te Puni Kōkiri. Other favourable external feedback was obtained from a survey of key stakeholders, who rated highly our service delivery role within the Relationships and Information wāhanga. In addition results received from an independent assessment of the quality of our written policy advice was very encouraging.
The Minister of Māori Affairs' Māori Economic Taskforce established earlier in 2009 has made an impact in pursuing a number of critical Māori economic development issues. The Taskforce and Te Puni Kōkiri have partnered on a range of initiatives to support Māori to be well positioned as the economy improves, with work around Māori in industry and trades training, cadetships and professional and group training resulting in Māori engaged in more than 1,700 training opportunities and leading to more than 250 employment opportunities.
All signs indicate that the latter half of 2010 is critical for positioning Māori to be well prepared for future opportunities in a growing economy, particularly with events such as the Māori business delegation to the Shangai Expo in September and the excitement among Māori businesses in the lead up to the Rugby World Cup in 2011.
Of particular significance is the establishment of a leadership role in implementing the Government's Whānau Ora Approach. Te Puni Kōkiri has been tasked as lead agency for Whānau Ora and has direct accountability for specific Whānau Ora appropriations. Its responsibilities involved:
- coordinating implementation efforts with the Ministry of Social Development and Ministry of Health at a national and regional level;
- leading an Expression of Interest process to identify a first group of providers and collectives to undertake Whānau Ora Programmes of Action;
- administering Whānau Ora funding through Vote Māori Affairs; and
- providing support for the Whānau Ora Governance Group and ten Regional Leadership Groups.
Te Puni Kōkiri also leads the development and coordination of the overall research, monitoring and evaluation components.
The centenary of Māori rugby was also celebrated, providing an opportunity to commend our players both past and current for their prowess, flair and skill that they bring to the game.
This past year has been challenging but rewarding and I would especially like to acknowledge the leadership and commitment of senior managers and the enthusiasm of all staff for their dedicated efforts, as it has been greatly appreciated.
Waiho mā te Atua Kaha Rawa tatou katoa e manaaki, e tiaki.
Leith Comer
Chief Executive