Annual Report for the Year Ended 30 June 2010

Operations Management

Scope of Appropriation:

Services that support Māori development through the design, delivery and managment of community investment programmes.

Our Approach: The Relationships and Information Wāhanga has responsibility for managing the Te Puni Kōkiri Investment Programme. This entails strategic management to ensure investments align with the key outputs identified in this document; which in turn align with the key outcomes sought by Te Puni Kōkiri.


Performance Measures Budget Standard Actual Standard
Māori Potential Funds:
Refers to the management and administration of the three NON-DEPARTMENTAL Expenses; Whakamana (Leadership), Mātauranga (Knowledge), and Rawa (Resources). The specific performance measures for these appropriations are found in Part 2.2    
Investment proposals meet specified programme criteria All investment proposals meet the criteria Achieved, 100% of proposals met the criteria.
Undertake Evaluations of the Māori Potential Fund for:
  • Cultural Investments;
  • Economic Development Investments; and
  • Whānau Language Development.
Complete an evaluation across 2 investment categories by 30 June 2010 Culture & Whānau Language Development completed Feb. '10; Economic Development Completed June 2010.
Special Housing Action Zones
Refers to the management of the Special Housing Action Zones (SHAZ) programme funded through the Non-Departmental Output Expense; Iwi Housing Support, the details of which are found in Part 2.2    
Number of development proposals supported across Māori communities Minimum of 8 Achieved with 9 projects advanced to contract stage.
Investment in development proposals leads to the entity securing financing to undertake/complete construction-Percentage of proposals accepted for cofunding with Housing New Zealand or other capital investors 70% Achieved, through Māori demonstration partnerships, Kainga Whenua.
Percentage of funded proposals meet accepted deliverables 90% 100%.
Land Management Unit:
Writeoff the residual rural lending loan portfolio 100% by 30 June 2010 100% completed at 30 June 2010.
Establish a number of management structures over Māori land in cooperation with owners (40 to be established) 10 land blocks 13 Trusts established as a precursor to transferring administration back to the owners.
Release a number of blocks of Māori owned land from Part 2 of the Māori Affairs Restructuring Act 1989 (66 to be released) 10 land blocks 23 blocks of Māori land released.
Clear a number of Crown owned land blocks through the Crown land disposal process (14 to be cleared) 6 land blocks 8 properties have been cleared through the Disposal process.
Dispose a number of Crown owned land (14 to be disposed) 6 land blocks Not achieved, 4 blocks disposed of during 2009/10.


Investment Management

During 2009/10, Te Puni Kōkiri funded in excess of 800 projects, totalling $20 million through the Mātauranga, Rawa and Whakamana NON-DEPARTMENTAL Output Expense (NDOE) appropriations. The delivery of investments were made primarily through Te Puni Kōkiri's network of regional offices and utilised our strong relationships with Māori communities, in which funding becomes an extension of wider community based facilitation and brokerage activities.

Cultural Success: Te Puni Kōkiri invested over $2.1 million on projects designed to support the growth and expression of Māori culture. Investments ranged from support for museum exhibitions on the 28th Māori Battalion and the New Zealand Wars of the Nineteenth Century, through to Kapa Haka and Manu Kōrero competitions.

Community Development: Te Puni Kōkiri invested over $1.3 million on projects related to whānau and community development including the roll out of the new Māra Kai programme across the country and support for social assistance programmes delivered by the Māori Women's Welfare League.

Māori Economic Success: Te Puni Kōkiri invested over $4.7 million on projects designed to foster economic development for Māori. Investments related to research reports on the Māori economy and its relationship to the wider New Zealand economy, feasibility work for business initiatives, and projects to enhance Māori employment in the professions and trades.

Māori Potential Fund Investments in Cultural Initiatives

A report outlining stakeholder's perspectives of Māori Potential Fund investments in cultural initiatives was completed in April 2010. The report provides intervention logic for cultural investments that will be used to streamline the process of outcome specification and underpin monitoring mechanisms to provide robust evidence of performance. Findings and recommendations will inform the future investment strategy of the Fund.

Māori Potential Fund Investments in Economic Development

An evaluation of Māori Potential Fund investments in Māori Economic Development was substantially completed in June 2010. The report provides an overview of investments made in economic development and their alignment with the strategic objectives and intended outcomes of the Fund. It identifies a series of policy and operational questions for further research. The findings will inform the future investment strategy of the Fund.

Revenue Crown
Other Revenue
Total Revenue
Total Expenses
Net surplus/(deficit)