Annual Report for the Year Ended 30 June 2007
Table of contents
- From the Chief Executive
- Introduction
- Corporate Statements
- Māori Potential Approach
- Government Priorities
- Statement of Service Performance - Statement of Responsibility
- Statement of Service Performance for the Year Ended 30 June 2007
- Key Internal Activities
- Financial Statements for the Year Ended 30 June 2007
Key Internal Activities
Key Internal Activities
Three Key Internal Activities; Knowledge Management, People Capability and Relationship Management were identified in the 2006/07 Statement of Intent as areas for development.
These activities were pursued to enable Te Puni Kōkiri to better fulfil its role, and thereby, enhancing its contribution to Māori succeeding as Māori.
Developing the Knowledge Management Strategy
In 2005/06 Te Puni Kōkiri entered into a three year Knowledge Management strategy. The Ministry acknowledges that quality Knowledge Management enables staff to maximise the knowledge Te Puni Kōkiri can access, create, and share - particularly with key stakeholders.
The objective of the Knowledge Management Implementation is to provide a knowledge management infrastructure and a consequent flow of information across Te Puni Kōkiri to better enable it to meet its stakeholder obligations to Government and Māori.
In the 2006/07 financial year, Te Puni Kōkiri has further invested in developing the infrastructure and detailed design to implement the knowledge management strategy and this is now ready for implementation. Key achievements in 2006/07 were:
- Documentation of Business Process
- Development of File Classification and Metadata Model
- Design of templates to support business processes; and
- Redevelopment work for the Internet site to provide greater information for stakeholders.
In 2007/08 the Ministry will implement the work of the previous two years by:
- Fully implementing Electronic Document Management across the Ministry
- Adopting a common metadata standard for all documents
- Adopting a common file classification for electronic storage of documents
- Standardising document templates; and
- Launch of new website.
Strengthening of research, analysis and information capacity continued in 2006/07 by further developing associated information collection and dissemination systems and processes.
Also in 2006/07, as part of an ongoing Te Puni Kōkiri information programme, fact sheets were produced covering the following topics:
These have been made available to the public and placed on the Ministry’s website.
Developing the Relationship Management Strategy
Te Puni Kōkiri acknowledged the importance of high quality relationships and generation of relevant information to implement Strategic and Intermediate Outcomes.
The network of regional offices and how they generate relationships and information for policy interventions has been strengthened. In particular, the implementation of the Relationship Management Strategy involved:
- Activating, developing and realising Māori Potential through our relationships
- Building stronger relationships with whānau, hapū, iwi, Māori organisations and communities, to enable them to develop sustainable opportunities for themselves
- Strengthening partnerships between Māori and other key stakeholders
- Gathering information from the regions to inform Māori development activities and investment in Māori people
- Using information gathered to inform policy development; and
- Facilitating timely involvement for government engagement with Māori and increasing our connectivity with them.
Developing the People Capability Strategy
The People Capability Strategy to 2010 is aimed at attracting, developing and retaining a sustainable supply of highly skilled people who will effectively contribute to Māori succeeding as Māori. A review of people capability identified recruitment and retention of experienced staff as a key focus for Te Puni Kōkiri.
The success of the People Strategy’s focus on recruitment and remuneration has seen annual staff turnover reduce from a high of 26% in 2005, to 11% by 30 June 2007, which exceeded our target of 15 percent.
The other performance indicators against the strategy were achieved in 2006/07:
- vacancies (target 70, actual 71); and
- days to recruit (where the target and actual were both 28).
During 2006/07 Te Puni Kōkiri undertook a staff engagement survey. Staff participation level was 75%, a significant increase on the 50% achieved in 2005 and 35% achieved in 2004. The results showed improvement in three key target areas of leadership, management and working conditions. An action plan has been developed to address areas where there is potential for further improvement.
The survey results were also used to inform the Pay and Employment Equity review which commended in 2006/07.
Our focus is now on providing learning opportunities to staff that will build the capability of the Ministry and provide for the retention of institutional knowledge. This work commenced through development of the competency framework and by making comprehensive information available to staff on our intranet site.
Sustainability Review
In addition to the key internal activities, in september 2006, the Chief Executive initiated a sustainability review to establish, among other things, whether Te Puni Kōkiri had the optimum cost structure to efficiently and effectively carry out the tasks being asked of Government. The in-house review was completed in three months and in January 2007, recommendations were considered by the Executive Leadership team. Decisions taken were a mixture of re-affirmation of work already commenced within Te Puni Kōkiri and new initiatives that focused on best practise management. these were grouped to form ten improvement initiatives that were promulgated to all staff via the intranet – “Sustainability Review decision Document”.
In 2006/07, Te Puni Kōkiri consolidated the waste reduction programme with significant improvements at national office; that included sustainability criteria in procurement decision-making; and diesel vehicles to be given preference for fleet replacement, subject to being fit for purpose.
Development Goals for the State Services
Te Puni Kōkiri contributed to the goals set for the state services as follows:
Goal 1:
Employer of Choice
, and
Goal 2:
Excellent State Servants
In 2006/07, the Ministry’s annual staff turnover was 11%, considerably improved from 2 years prior and better than the state sector average of 13%. Of the total staff, 68% are Māori, and 60% female. 75% of staff participated in a staff survey in 2006/07 which gave results consistent with other government departments, and evidence of improvements and areas to focus on.
The summer intern programme attracted 54 applicants for 6 places.
The Te Puni Kōkiri competency framework was developed and is being incorporated into performance management and learning development plans, identifying core competencies for the Ministry and technical competencies for individual positions.
Goal 3:
Networked State Services
The use of cell phones, laptops, wireless technology and video conferencing resources has significantly increased the range of communication channels for the effective and efficient exchange of information and knowledge within Te Puni Kōkiri.
Goal 4:
Coordinated State Agencies
Te Puni Kōkiri has relationships with individual agencies across all regions that are aimed at ensuring positive outcomes for Māori. Te Puni Kōkiri leads a number of inter-agency policy initiatives, and provides second-opinion advice on a broad range of policy issues being led by other agencies.
Goal 5:
Accessible State Services
Te Puni Kōkiri regional staff have a key role in linking Māori communities and organisations with other agencies and services.
The new-look print version of Kōkiri was launched at the end of February 2007, and was followed with a separate electronic version, e-Kōkiri, launched in March 2007. Kōkiri is also a vehicle for other Government departments to inform Māori of their key messages.
Goal 6:
Trusted State Services
This is evidenced by Knowledge management, implemented Ministry wide and the role in monitoring and liaising with crown entities.
A breakdown of initiatives by each region is outlined below.
Te Tai Tokerau
Significant inter-agency activity included the Northern Intersectoral Forum hosting senior government officials from Wellington to inform them of the regional priorities, focus areas and collaborative efforts of the government at a regional level.
Tāmaki Makaurau
Te Puni Kōkiri proposed a concept of vulnerable youth and vulnerable families as the overall focus for the Auckland Central mapping exercise. MSD is keen to incorporate this in the mapping activity. Also, the regional office met Department of Corrections regional management to support establishment of a justice sector forum for the tāmaki Makaurau region.
Te Puni Kōkiri participated in the “leadership in practice initiative” and negotiated tertiary study options in the public service. The Regional office also participated in, and led intersectoral forums (RIF, Intersect, and Justice). The Waikato regional office had discussions on contracting processes with the Department of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Social Development, CYF, and has created networks with the Department of Labour and Ministry of Social Development.
Te Moana a Toi
A working group made up of Government Agencies, including Te Puni Kōkiri and Ministry of Social Development, local Iwi representatives and community groups was set up to identify a collaborative approach to service Kawerau community needs. It was agreed at this hui that regular set meetings were required to discuss and agree to an action plan to provide guidance and direction so that the needs of the Kawerau community are not only identified but measures and actions to give effect to these needs are in place.
Te Arawa
Presentation to the Te Arawa Standing Committee of the Rotorua District Council in November 2006 received positive feedback. Definite interest was articulated in the regions priorities with particular comment and encouragement around a collective youth strategy working with other local and central agencies.
A relationship forged with the Waiariki Institute of Technology, established terms on how Te Puni Kōkiri would work collaboratively to identify the educational needs of Māori within Te Arawa. One of the key initiatives pursued in 2007 was the fostering of a trade training centre in Rotorua in partnership with Tumahaurangi Trust and the undertaking of a joint marae survey that identified the skill needs of Māori.
The establishment of the Joint Action Group – Māori (JAGM) which included Health, Police, MSD, DOL, and TEC brought together Māori staff from each of those agencies to progress issues and opportunities that assisted Māori development. Youth was identified as a priority with 3 key initiatives developed and progressed to 30 June 2007.
Six regional office staff completed the National Diploma in Public Sector Māori (Service Delivery). Also, the development of sector-specific working groups aligned to the regional intersectoral fora has strengthened relationships between the regional office and other agencies.
The relationship between Te Puni Kōkiri and other agencies was also maintained through attendance at CEO Forum meetings, and with Te Puni Kōkiri leading development discussions with regional management teams.
Regional staff were involved in the development of the Hawke’s Bay/East Coast Labour Market Strategy document. Te Puni Kōkiri and Māori have been identified as major stakeholders in the development and delivery of the final strategy.
Te Whanganui a Tara
Te Puni Kōkiri and the Ministry of Social Development worked with the Wainuiomata Christian Fellowship to support training and employment opportunities for up to 20 students. Activity included discussions to provide assistance to develop a model for training and future employment of trainees enrolled at the Wainuiomata Christian Fellowship, and the contract initiated with the Ministry of Social Development to fund a position for two years.
Te Waipounamu
Te Waipounamu regional office engaged in a number of interagency projects including the Canterbury Labour Market Forum, the Otago Labour Market Forum, the Kaikoura Labour Market Forum, the Christchurch Emergency Youth Housing Forum and the Christchurch Social Policy Interagency Network.
Legislation Administered by Te Puni Kōkiri
As well as complying with general legislation under which Te Puni Kōkiri and other government agencies were required to conduct their affairs, Te Puni Kōkiri and therefore the Minister, were responsible for administering the following 29 Acts of Parliament. This administrative role included responsibility for: monitoring compliance, reviewing the legislation, and enacting required amendments.
- Hauraki Māori Trust Board Act 1988
- Lake Waikaremoana Act 1971
- Maniapoto Māori Trust Board Act 1988
- Māori Affairs Restructuring Act 1989
- Māori Community Development Act 1962
- Māori Housing Act 1935
- Māori Land Amendment and Māori Land Claims Adjustment Act 1926
- Māori Language Act 1987
- Māori Purposes Act 1926-1981
- Māori Purposes Act 1991
- Māori Purposes Act 1993
- Māori Purposes (Wi Pere Trust) Act 1994
- Māori Purposes Fund Act 1934-1935
- Māori Reserved Land Act 1955
- Māori Soldiers Trust Act 1957
- Māori Trust Boards Act 1955
- Māori Trustee Act 1953
- Māori Vested Land Administration Act 1954
- Ministry of Māori Development Act 1991
- Orakei Act 1991
- Tarawera Forest Act 1967
- tauranga Moana trust Board Act 1981
- Te Rūnanga O Ngāti Awa Act 1988
- Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Porou Act 1987
- Te Rūnanga O Ngāti Whātua Act 1988
- Te Ture Whenua Māori Act 1993
- treaty of Waitangi Act 1975
- Whanganui River Trust Board Act 1988
- Broadcasting Act 1989, Part IVA.
In addition, Te Puni Kōkiri administered the following statutory regulations:
- Aupouri Māori Trust Board Order 1985
- Aupouri Māori Trust Board Order 1986
- East Coast Māori Trust Lands Block Committees’ Regulations 1936
- Māori Land Court Fee Regulations 1993
- Māori Land Court Rules 1994
- Māori Occupation Orders Regulations 1994
- Māori Reservation Regulations 1994
- Māori Purposes Fund Regulations 1937
- Māori Trust Office Regulations 1954
- Māori Housing Regulations 1960
- Māori Land Court Judges’ Travelling Allowances Regulations 1960
- Māori Community Development Regulations 1963
- Māori Land Court (Jurisdiction) Order 1996
- Māori Trust Board Regulations 1985
- Mawhera Incorporation Order 1976
- Maniapoto Māori Trust Board Order 2002
- Ngāti Whātua of Orakei Māori Trust Board Order 1983
- Ngāti Whātua of Orakei Māori Trust Board Order 1990
- Ngāi Whātua O Orakei Māori Trust Board Order 1997
- Parininihi ki Waitotara Incorporation Order 1976
- Tai Tokerau Māori Trust Board Order 1987
- Taranaki Māori Trust Board Order 1990
- Te Arawa Māori Trust Board Order 1988
- Te Awapuni Moana Order 1996
- Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Awa Order 1999
- Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Porou Order 1989
- Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Porou Order 1993
- Whakatōhea Māori Trust Board Order 1996
- Whakatū Incorporation Order 1977
- Whanganui River Māori Trust Board Order 1996
Te Puni Kōkiri’s statutory roles and responsibilities are prescribed by the Ministry of Māori Development Act 1991 and have been further developed by Cabinet. The roles and responsibilities describe how Te Puni Kōkiri does its job in achieving the Government’s objectives for Māori.
Monitoring and Liaising
Part of Te Puni Kōkiri’s role, enabled through the Ministry of Māori Development Act 1991, is to monitor and liaise with each government department and agency that provides services to or for Māori.
In 2006/07 Te Puni Kōkiri’s monitoring work was focused on the early stages of policy development in influencing the priorities, planning, and decision making of other agencies. Te Puni Kōkiri continued to develop collaborative and purposeful relationships, partnering with stakeholders to achieve mutual goals and the strategic outcome of Māori succeeding as Māori.
In refining its monitoring function, Te Puni Kōkiri is seeking to reach a balance between retrospective and forward-looking monitoring. In 2006/07 it initiated the development of an outcomes monitoring approach to focus on the way in which state sector agencies collectively contribute to improved outcomes for Māori.
It is expected that this approach will enable Te Puni Kōkiri to exercise strategic leadership by: influencing the planning processes of state sector agencies; sharing information on opportunities to improve outcomes for Māori; and promoting the development of shared state sector outcomes for Māori.
Te Puni Kōkiri held preliminary discussions with central agencies in 2006/07 regarding the new programme, and will engage more widely with relevant agencies and Ministers to finalise the outcomes area(s) to be monitored. This engagement will be cognisant of existing groupings of Ministers, Chief Executives and officials which focus on particular areas of interest on behalf of Government.
Crown Entity Monitoring
Monitoring of Te Māngai Pāho, Te taura Whiri i te reo Māori, and the Māori television service was carried out within Te Puni Kōkiri by the Risk and Assurance unit with input from both the Policy wāhanga and finance unit. Quarterly reports were received from each entity and regular meetings held with them.
In addition Te Puni Kōkiri provided advice about the development of the key planning documents, such as the Statements of Intent. Through this process, Te Puni Kōkiri took active steps to ensure that these entities addressed the goals and functions of the Māori Language Strategy in their planning and reporting.
Performance Measurement
With regards to establishing the cost-effectiveness of our interventions, as required under section 40(d) (ii) of the Public finance Act 1989, the Ministry is still working on ways to develop suitable measures. Although our core work of providing policy advice does not lend itself to direct cost-effectiveness analysis (cost per unit of benefit obtained), the Ministry is looking to link interventions that Te Puni Kōkiri deliver to desired outcomes. The ongoing work on outcomes mapping, improving proposed indicators and building an evaluation infrastructure will enable us to establish a suitable set of cost-effectiveness measures to include in the next statement of intent. Te Puni Kōkiri is developing an outcomes framework and the elements comprising the framework are currently being tested.
Report on Equal Employment Opportunities
The Te Puni Kōkiri People Strategy recognises that it is people who embody our organisation’s potential. The Strategy provides a six year road map by identifying targets that will ensure Te Puni Kōkiri has the people with the capabilities to become the driving force for Māori succeeding as Māori in the Public Service. Te Puni Kōkiri recognises that to achieve our vision of a fully inclusive society we must ensure there is no barrier to individuals achieving their full potential.
In 2006/07 Te Puni Kōkiri commenced a Pay and Employment Equity Review. The review committee is widely drawn from across the organisation, represents all levels and includes the Public Service Association participation in line with our Partnership for Quality approach. All staff have been actively involved to inform the review through workshops and survey’s. The Review continues into the 2007/08 year with the Committee due to report findings and recommendations that address identified inequities, in October 2007. The subsequent action plan will influence the Te Puni Kōkiri Equal Employment Opportunities programme for the 2007/08 year and beyond.
Report on Effectiveness in Reducing Inequalities
Te Puni Kōkiri contributes to the Government’s reducing inequalities policy and work programme by working extensively with state sector agencies to ensure that government policies, programmes and services are informed by Māori interests, and hence contribute to the wider vision of Māori succeeding as Māori.
Te Puni Kōkiri recognises that an exclusive focus on disparity and disadvantage will not by itself realise the potential of Māori for self-fulfilment and contribution to New Zealand. During 2006/07 Te Puni Kōkiri was in the first year of implementing new non-departmental appropriations aligned to the enablers identified as part of the Māori Potential Approach. Those are:
- Whakamana (Leadership) – Māori are leading, influential and empowering
- Mātauranga (Knowledge/skills) – Māori are skilled, learned and innovative; and
- Rawa (Resources) – Māori are resourced, wealthy and enterprising.
Together, these appropriations are referred to as the Māori Potential Fund.
An evaluation strategy was developed in 2006/ 07 which provided for evaluation of the Māori Potential fund at two levels. Firstly, through a programme of one-off evaluations of selected investments over the next two years. And secondly, through an overall evaluation of the Māori Potential Fund in the medium term. An evaluation of investments in Rangatahi outcomes was initiated in 2006/07 as the first one-off evaluation.