Annual Report for the Year Ended 30 June 2007
Table of contents
- From the Chief Executive
- Introduction
- Corporate Statements
- Māori Potential Approach
- Government Priorities
- Statement of Service Performance - Statement of Responsibility
- Statement of Service Performance for the Year Ended 30 June 2007
- Key Internal Activities
- Financial Statements for the Year Ended 30 June 2007
Statement of Service Performance for the Year Ended 30 June 2007
The Statement of Service Objectives for Te Puni Kōkiri is detailed in the Statement of Intent 2006/07. This forms the output objectives for the year against which this service performance statement reports.
Policy and Monitoring - Social and Cultural
Within this output class the Minister purchased:
- advice on policies and programmes that specifically impacted on realising the social and cultural potential of Māori people and resources across the three dimensions of mātauranga, whakamana and rawa to support economic transformation, the development of national identity and strengthening families; and
- monitoring of other state sector agencies’ policies and programmes that were intended to realise the social and cultural potential of Māori people and resources across the three dimensions of mātauranga, whakamana and rawa, to support economic transformation, the development of national identity and strengthening families.
Quality, quantity and timeliness performance measures for Ministerial Servicing and Policy Advice are reported under Ministerial Servicing Performance in this report.
All work produced was aligned to key themes contained in the Statement of Intent 2006/07. The specific outputs included:
Provide advice on, and monitor, issues and opportunities for enhancing Māori education outcomes (economic transformation)
In 2006/07, Te Puni Kōkiri undertook a Best Evidence in Māori Education research programme, which included analysis of quantitative and qualitative evidence, a stock take of services and a synopsis of Māori aspirations. This work will shortly be published on Te Puni Kōkiri’s website.
This research programme provided the basis for our policy advice and engagement about Māori education. Throughout 2006/07, we provided advice to the Ministry of Education about the revision and re-development of the Māori Education Strategy. We prioritised this, because the revised strategy will ultimately provide the direction and impetus for other developments in Māori education. In addition, we provided advice and support to education agencies in terms of: the tertiary education reforms; the Choices work-stream; and Māori language education (in particular, the revision of Te Marautanga o Aotearoa and the development of Māori language teacher education).
Provide advice on, and monitor, issues and opportunities for developing whānau connections and leadership (strengthening whānau)
The focus of this work in 2006/07 was the development of an overarching analysis of the Whānau Development Action and Research programme undertaken in 2004/05 and 2005/06, and a related literature review. This work will inform Te Puni Kōkiri’s policy position across a range of issues. Te Puni Kōkiri also participated in a whole-of-government work-stream about realising Youth Potential, with an especial emphasis on the situation of Māori youth within their whānau. In addition, Te Puni Kōkiri participated in the family violence taskforce.
Provide advice on, and monitor, issues and opportunities for enhancing Whānau health and housing outcomes (strengthening whānau)
Te Puni Kōkiri commissioned an analysis of Key issues in Māori Health in the period 1986 to 2006. This analysis has provided the basis for our policy advice and engagement in the health sector. We have concentrated our focus on selected issues throughout 2006/07, including: consideration of issues associated with rongoā Māori; and supporting the development of healthy lifestyles among Māori people through the Healthy Eating, Healthy Action work-stream. Throughout this period, Te Puni Kōkiri has also provided significant advice and support for the Rural Housing Programme administered by Housing New Zealand Corporation.
Provide advice on, and monitor, issues and opportunities associated with the development of traditional and contemporary Māori arts (national identity)
During this period, Te Puni Kōkiri prepared an initial position paper about mātauranga Māori to affirm our interests in this area, and to identify a work programme to drive our (re-)engagement in related issues. In addition, Te Puni Kōkiri presented substantial evidence to the WAI 262 inquiry (the ‘flora and fauna’ claim).
Provide advice on, and monitor, issues and opportunities associated with the provision of support for marae development (national identity)
Throughout the review period, Te Puni Kōkiri has participated in the Marae Grants Committee that is administered by the Department of Internal Affairs. We also undertook work to design a national marae survey, and piloted this survey through our Tākitimu region. In addition, Te Puni Kōkiri has administered the Sites of Significance process throughout this period to recognise wāhi tapu. Some work was undertaken to update the guidelines for the Sites of Significance process, but this work was deferred to ensure that it could be aligned with a wider review of protection mechanisms.
Provide advice on, and monitor, work to implement the Māori language Strategy across government (national identity)
In the Māori Language Strategy, Te Puni Kōkiri is responsible for Māori language policy, coordination and monitoring. In 2006/07, an extensive research programme was undertaken to fulfil the monitoring function of this work. In particular, we completed: a national Survey of the Health of the Māori Language (with the results published in Māori Language Week 2007); an inventory of Māori language programmes and services across government; and completed the report on attitudes towards the Māori language. We also coordinated the MLS Officials Committee to provide advice and support to MLS agencies to progress their Māori language planning and programmes, and re-established the MLS Chief Executive Forum. We prepared an annual report to the Minister of Māori Affairs to report progress with this work.
Provide advice on, and monitor, work associated with the development of the Māori broadcasting sector (national identity and economic transformation)
Te Puni Kōkiri has undertaken significant policy work in this sector over the last twelve months to develop the Māori Broadcasting and E-Media Policy Framework. This framework will provide the basis for policy and operational development in this sector for the medium-term future. In addition, we undertook work to strengthen the infrastructure of the Māori Television Service and Te Māngai Pāho. We also provided advice to the Minister of Māori Affairs about his interests in these entities.
Additionally, Te Puni Kōkiri contributed to the effective interventions work-stream within the justice sector. In particular, we worked with the Ministry of Justice to develop the Programme of Action for Māori, which aims to reduce the entry of Māori into the criminal justice system. In addition, Te Puni Kōkiri provided substantial comments on other cabinet papers and initiatives in this work-stream.
Financial Performance
(figures are GST exclusive)
30/06/06 Actual $000 |
30/06/07 Actual $000 |
30/06/07 Supp Estimates $000 |
30/06/07 Main Estimates $000 |
6,804 | Revenue Crown | 5,681 | 5,681 | 5,252 |
326 | Other Revenue | 379 | 326 | 326 |
7,130 | Total Revenue | 6,060 | 6,042 | 5,578 |
7,040 | Total Expenses | 6,035 | 6,042 | 5,578 |
90 | Net surplus/(deficit) | 25 | 0 | 0 |
Policy and Monitoring - Economic and Enterprise
Within this output class the Minister purchased:
- advice on policies and programmes that specifically impacted on realising the social and cultural potential of Māori people and resources across the three dimensions of mātauranga, whakamana and rawa to support economic transformation, the development of national identity and strengthening families; and
- monitoring of other state sector agencies’ policies and programmes that were intended to realise the social and cultural potential of Māori people and resources across the three dimensions of mātauranga, whakamana and rawa, to support economic transformation, the development of national identity and strengthening families.
Quality, quantity and timeliness performance measures for Ministerial Servicing and Policy Advice are reported under Ministerial Servicing Performance in this report.
All work produced was aligned to key themes contained in the Statement of Intent 2006/07. The specific outputs included:
Develop a Māori Economic Forecasting Report (economic transformation)
in 2006/07 Te Puni Kōkiri completed substantial research and analysis work that has been compiled to form the draft Māori Economic Forecast Report. The report is intended to create an informed understanding of the possible future drivers of influence affecting how Māori participate in both the New Zealand and global future economic systems; and focus attention on the decisions that need to be made today to ensure active participation and shareholding of Māori in future economic systems.
The focus for future economic growth will be better utilisation of assets as well as diversification of the asset base to ensure a more even spread of risk across the portfolio of Māori assets. Innovation and adoption of new technologies will give Māori the tools to participate in new sectors as well as finding ways to remain profitable in existing sectors.
Provide advice on, and monitor, issues and opportunities for enhancing Māori employment outcomes (economic transformation)
During 2006/07, Te Puni Kōkiri undertook an analysis of statistical and qualitative research about Key Issues in Māori Employment. This analysis has provided the basis for our policy advice about the Working New Zealand work-stream which addressed employment development and benefit reform. In particular, Te Puni Kōkiri worked closely with the Ministry for Social Development to progressively develop and confirm the Māori Employment Framework. This framework sets out principles, outcomes and indicators for Māori employment policy, and provides the basis to monitor and evaluate programmes and services that are designed to promote Māori employment outcomes. In addition, we provided policy advice about various aspects of benefit reform that were considered through the Working New Zealand work-stream.
Provide advice on, and monitor, issues and opportunities to grow Māori enterprise opportunities (economic transformation)
Review of the Māori Trustee
Several papers were prepared in 2006/07 that sought decisions from Cabinet in order to progress the ongoing review of the Māori Trustee. These included:
- proposals that enhance Māori economic development opportunities;
- proposed structure of the Māori Trustee (a statutory body corporate on schedule 4 of the Public Finance Act); and
- agreement to legislative changes required to implement the outcomes of the review, subject to consultation with Māori.
Provide advice on, and monitor, issues and opportunities to maximise the potential of collectively owned Māori assets (economic transformation)
Provide advice on, and monitor, issues and opportunities to support the retention and development of Māori land (economic transformation)
As part of the Government’s Māori Land Development Action Plan, agreed to by Cabinet in August 2006, Te Puni Kōkiri commenced a programme of action to facilitate and promote Māori land economic development in 2006/07. The purpose of the programme of action is to achieve measurable and sustainable Māori land economic development through funding the facilitation of Māori land projects. The focus during 2006/07 has been on purchasing project management services to plan and commence projects and on expert assessments to ascertain development potential.
To date the Programme of Action has achieved the following outcomes:
- Facilitated Māori land owners to identify promising land development opportunities and pathways to achieve this;
- Employed contractors with specialist skills and experience to assist with land development projects where appropriate;
- Established an advisory group of Māori practitioners with wide-ranging experience in Māori land development activities; and
- Conducted on the ground assessment of the current economic utilisation of Māori land blocks and their potential for better economic utilisation.
Te Puni Kōkiri engaged with the owners of 63 Māori Land interest/blocks from which 22 blocks, covering 626 hectares, were selected for further assessment regarding their potential for better economic utilisation through arrangements, including leases and joint venture agreements.
Through the engagement of a contractor with specialist skills and experience to assist landowners the following tangible results have been achieved:
- arranged new cropping leases to plant squash in four Porangahau land blocks;
- progressed work on arranging lease agreements for a number of Pakipaki and Omahu land blocks and has explored the possibility of leasing additional Omahu land blocks; and
- made progress towards agreeing new development leases for the Kuru (Porangahau) and Kani (Porangahau) farming blocks.
- This project has also been working towards facilitating land development and improvements in land capital value. This has been progressed through:
- arranging a new irrigation well for the Pakipaki land blocks;
- completing a test bore, new well and drainage scheme for the Wharerangi land blocks;
- planning visible improvements to the Kuru (Poranhgahau) and Kani (Porangahau) farming blocks; and
- making visible improvements to all blocks newly included in cropping leases.
- in Kaikoura work was conducted to assist the owners of three blocks of undeveloped urban land in Kaikoura to identify the preferred development options for their land by employing ‘The Project Leadership Group Ltd’ as a project manager. The following work was completed in 2006/07:
- two meetings with a quorum of the trustees was convened;
- worked with the owners of the three land blocks to identify a preferred development option for their land;
- completed a survey and needs analysis for each site under investigation, in relation to both the town and the sites, and reviewing the land in terms of the district plan; and
- compiled a list of development options for the landowners consideration.
In Anewa and Ohuia work was conducted to assist the owners of Anewa station and Ohuia station by employing a registered farm management consultant based in Taumaranui, to identify the current performance of farming operations on their land, the sustainable economic potential of their land, and practical pathways to achieve the sustainable economic potential of their land and the landowners’ prime objectives. This project was completed in 2006/07 and a final report provided to Te Puni Kōkiri. The project has been successful in achieving the desired outcomes, in particular:
- by working with the trustees of Anewa and Ohuia stations to prepare two written reports detailing current performance, estimated sustainable economic potential, options and a recommended pathway to achieve the estimated sustainable economic potential;
- assessing the owners’ prime objectives and consideration of opportunities, for Anewa and Ohuia to combine resources and/or work in partnership; and
- discussing the relevant report with each group of trustees and providing assistance in agreeing on their preferred development path and presenting the key findings to meetings of the beneficiaries.
Te Puni Kōkiri continues to facilitate and promote Māori land economic development through this and other programmes. Additionally, Te Puni Kōkiri will continue to manage, monitor and support these and other projects to ensure positive outcomes are achieved.
Realising Māori Commercial Success. The performance measure required the administering of the Māori Business Facilitation Service.
The Māori Business Facilitation Service was formed in 2000 to provide advice and mentoring assistance to Māori wishing to start a business. Over time the core service has changed its focus and approach, refining the way in which it provides services, and in 2006 was the Winner of the 2006 Vero Excellence in Business Support Awards (Public-Private Partnership Category).
As mentioned in the last Annual report, the Māori Business Facilitation Service in 2006/07 has altered its strategic focus to provide more flexible and innovative approaches across a range of activities that support Māori commercial success. These included:
- Working to support Māori business networks and sector development initiatives;
- Supporting governance and management of Māori commercial entities through information and direct assistance, and promoting Māori in leadership and governance roles; and
- Promoting Māori business success through strategic relationships, media, and research activity.
The core roles undertaken by the Business Development Directorate of Te Puni Kōkiri were:
- Working with Māori business people, developing relationships across a wide cross section of the commercial world, and with agencies which are working in similar fields, both mainstream and Māori-focused
- Providing information and assistance to business people, and developing the knowledge to assist and influence thinking in the area; and
- Facilitating, brokering and directing people to the right places for business advice and expertise and opportunities.
Te Puni Kōkiri operated within a delivery model over three levels – leadership, enabling and foundation. This model was applied to identify objectives and service requirements, by analysing the opportunities, organisations and business, possible activities and solutions.
In 2006/07, Te Puni Kōkiri has:
- Supported the Federation of Māori Authorities (FoMA) conference for Māori commercial leaders, including presentations and work on agribusiness
- Assisted in developing profiles of Māori businesses, through various publications leading to continued growth of Māori aspirations and role models;
- Worked with FoMA, Māori Trustee and Poutama Trust in developing Tekau Plus to provide a commercial leadership model so that Māori can leverage the significant part they play in the agribusiness sector
- Supported New Zealand Māori Tourism Council (NZMTC) and the infrastructure of Māori Regional Tourism Organisations that it represents;
- Supported the creative sector development through the spearhead of Aniwaniwa, a modern multimedia, uniquely Māori story of the Horahora power station village on the Waikato river that has been showcased internationally at the Venice Biennale
- Worked with Toi Māori to establish a commercial arm to include research into international markets, and global networks
- Worked alongside Poutama Trust to assist Wai Industries to patent their commercially sensitive, world leading health solution for the medical condition Xerostima or Dry Mouth syndrome;
- Contributed towards the development of a world wide portal, containing information, templates on dealing with government agencies, international trade and on growing a business, launched in August 2007; and
- E Tupu - assisted in the development and implementation of practical workshops on farm performance from a governance perspective that were led by winners and advisors from the Ahuwhenua trophy.
Māori Business Facilitation Service (MBFS)
In 2006/07, $1.698m was expensed (compared to a departmental budget of $2.392m) for MBFS, in support of:
- Stakeholder workshops and regional business networks to develop and discuss Māori economic development
- Sponsorship of Māori business awards
- Facilitating of Māori business opportunities
- Maintaining systems, analysis and reporting
- Developing commercial sector networks, strategic relationships and leadership; and
- The Māori tourism infrastructure.
Outputs included:
- 605 registrations (target 700) were received for MBFS assistance. The target was not achieved because fewer registrations were accepted due to stronger filtering processes
- 390 Business Development Plans (target 600) were completed. Because of the decrease in registrations, fewer Business Development plans were received, however the changes to the process has translated to a much higher number of interventions. In total, 300 generic/specialist and sector-specific interventions were intended and 662 were processed;
- 29 (target 40) Māori tourism operators were supported through the Māori Tourism Facilitation component of the business facilitation service
- 22 (target 30) Māori Land Facilitation service clients were supported, although 41 land-blocks had been engaged with
- 5 (target 8) business networks were maintained, however a further four were being developed as at 30 June 2007;
- 2 (target 3) land clusters were developed and supported
- 6 (target 10) regional events that promote Māori business endeavour and opportunity were supported
- 6 (target 6) sector and business networks, hui and development were supported; and
- 5 (target 5) strategic sector events were supported through the NZMTC.
Effective Governance Website
The Effective Governance Website is an information source with reference material on best practice, templates, tools and articles, both Māori specific and generic.
Since its launch the website statistics have shown a steady increase in usage, up by 25% on last year. Recent data indicates 5,038 unique visitors each month entered the site, making 66,740 hits. About a quarter of these visitors re-visited the site within the month.
Most of the visitors are entering via search engines such as Google. Key topics of interest were the case studies and the tools (e.g. templates for letter of appointment), and basic explanatory information. Comment from users has been very positive, and the site compares favourably in usability and usefulness of information with similar sites overseas.
It is intended that the site be further developed, building it over time to have a wider range of information and have information developed for specific types of entities (e.g. marae committees).
Strategic Relationships – Boardwalk
The Boardwalk series was devised as a ‘primer’ series of basic information to assist those who are in governance roles or who are potential candidates for governance roles. While there is some focus on Māori considering roles on government boards, it is applicable to boards of different types – whether they are ahu whenua trusts, marae committees, or company, government and school boards.
The Boardwalk series fits with the information provided on the website. While the website has the capacity to expand in many directions, the Boardwalk publications are intended to be mini-guides, very practical in nature and summaries of the core issues and practices of governance.
Te Puni Kōkiri distributed the first two publications in the series, “Being on a Board” and “Chairing a Board” in October 2006. To date 15,000 copies have been distributed to all Marae, iwi organizations, and through networks such as FoMA, Poutama Trust, Māori Trust Office, Māori Business networks, and through Te Puni Kōkiri regional offices.
The next two publications in the series are on communications with stakeholders and the decision-making process. These are expected to be distributed later in 2007.
Financial Performance
(figures are GST exclusive)
30/06/06 Actual $000 |
30/06/07 Actual $000 |
30/06/07 Supp Estimates $000 |
30/06/07 Main Estimates $000 |
10,756 | Revenue Crown | 12,393 | 12,393 | 14,317 |
382 | Other Revenue | 24 | 243 | 9 |
11,138 | Total Revenue | 12,417 | 12,636 | 14,326 |
11,063 | Total Expenses | 11,858 | 12,636 | 14,326 |
75 | Net surplus/(deficit) | 559 | 0 | 0 |
Policy - Crown-Māori Relationships
Within this output class the Minister purchased policy advice on the relationship between Māori and the Crown and on the links between that relationship and the realisation of Māori potential across the three dimensions of mātauranga, whakamana and rawa, to support economic transformation, the development of national identity, and strengthening families.
This included all treaty policy issues and advice on the impacts of legislation not addressed in any other output class.
Quality, quantity and timeliness performance measures for Ministerial Servicing and Policy Advice are reported under Ministerial Servicing Performance in this report.
All work produced was aligned to key themes contained in the Statement of Intent 2006/07. The specific outputs included:
Provide advice on, and monitor, issues and opportunities associated with facilitating Treaty of Waitangi settlements, including advice about the mandating of settlement entities and the provision of support for post-settlement entities (national identity)
Te Puni Kōkiri provided advice to facilitate treaty of Waitangi settlements in 2006/07 specifically on:
- Rangitāne o Manawatū mandate reconfirmation; Hauraki mandate issues; Ngāti Porou mandate preparations; Wairoa Working Group mandate strategy; Ngāti Ranginui mandate process; Te Kotahi a Tūhoe mandate process; and Wairarapa ki Tararua mandate preparations;
- the use of conservation land as redress in settlements;
- Waikato river, Te Aupōuri, Te rarawa, Ngāti Apa, tūranga, Port nicholson Block Claims, and Ngāti Kahu ki Whangaroa settlement negotiations;
- Te Roroa and Te Arawa settlement legislation;
- specific Waitangi Tribunal reports including the Te Tau Ihu interim reports, settlement issue reports in Te Arawa and Auckland, and historical reports in the Central North Island;
- the preparation of evidence for the Waitangi Tribunal’s Flora and Fauna (Wai 262) inquiry;
- an enhanced role for Te Puni Kōkiri in the Treaty Settlement process;
- the Crown’s strategies for settling all Treaty claims by 2020;
- the Crown’s progress in responding to Waitangi Tribunal reports;
- Protection Mechanism and Sites of Significance process and policy; and
- foreshore and seabed matters.
Te Puni Kōkiri provided cultural support and claims facilitation, including:
- in the Te Roroa Treaty settlement negotiations and foreshore and seabed negotiations; and
- in the Wai 262, Whanganui District, National Park District, Te Arawa Settlement, and Tāmaki Makarau Settlement Waitangi Tribunal inquiries.
Te Puni Kōkiri provided support to post settlement entities and other settlement related entities, including in relation to:
- Māori Trust Boards;
- SILNA reserves;
- the Mauao Trust;
- the Pākaitore Trust; and
- the Tuhua Trust.
Te Puni Kōkiri provided advice on and facilitated the transfer of the following land or land interests to iwi to promote positive relationships between iwi and Government:
- Mauao (agreement negotiated);
- Tuhua (order vesting Crown shares in Tuhua Trust awaiting decision of Māori Land Court); and
- Whanganui Courthouse (deed of on-account-settlement signed and land vested in Pākaitore Trust).
Provide advice on, and monitor, issues and opportunities to support the development and application of Māori governance models (economic transformation and strengthening Whānau)
Waka Umanga (Māori Corporations) Draft Bill: In December 2006 Cabinet approved policy proposals for a new statutory governance entity tailored to meet the organisational needs of Māori tribal groups (iwi and hapū) and other Māori groups that manage communal assets. The proposals were based on the governance policy work undertaken by Te Puni Kōkiri, the Law Commission’s report Waka Umanga: A Proposed Law for Māori Governance Entities, feedback from Māori, and input from other departments.
The Waka Umanga (Māori Corporations) Bill was drafted in accordance with the key legislative provisions agreed to by Cabinet, and in April 2007, Cabinet approved the release of the Bill for targeted consultation in June and July 2007 with iwi and Māori organisations, as well as the business and legal sectors. Stakeholders were asked to consider whether the provisions and requirements in the draft Bill are acceptable to, and as effective as possible for, Māori organisations and the commercial organisations that will have dealings with them. A report to Cabinet on the outcome of consultation will be prepared once consultation has been completed.
The Bill has a priority to proceed to select committee in the 2007 Legislative Programme.
Provide advice on, and monitor, issues and opportunities associated with Māori interests in oceans policy and the water programme of action (economic transformation)
Te Puni Kōkiri has participated on various officials groups in 2006/07 over the full range of marine and freshwater initiatives and priorities, providing input on substantive issues for Māori and engagement with Māori. Reports have been provided to the Minister of Māori Affairs on an ongoing basis as required. Reports will continue to be provided with a particular focus on the Sustainable Water Programme of Action and aquaculture development for Māori.
Provide advice on, and monitor, issues associated with the administration of Māori Affairs legislation
The Māori Purposes Bill 2006 was passed on 7 December 2006. Cabinet confirmed the inclusion of a Māori Purposes Bill on the 2007 Legislation Programme, with a priority to proceed to select committee.
Proposed amendments to section 6 of the Treaty of Waitangi Act 1975, the Māori Trust Boards Act 1955, the Maniapoto Māori Trust Board Act 1988 and Te Ture Whenua Māori Act 1993 will be progressed through the Māori Purposes Bill 2007.
In addition, the Crown Māori Relationship Instrument (CMRI) Guidelines to assist agencies in developing and executing relationship instruments (such as memoranda of understanding) between the Crown and Māori were officially launched by Te Puni Kokiri and the Ministry of Justice in January 2007.
The CMRI Annual Report was completed on time and approved by Cabinet on 30 April 2007.
Te Puni Kōkiri and Ministry of Justice officials plan to conduct a number of workshops over the next 12 months with particular agencies to assist a whole-of-government awareness and to discuss in more detail how they might use the CMRI policy framework.
Financial Performance
(figures are GST exclusive)
30/06/06 Actual $000 |
30/06/07 Actual $000 |
30/06/07 Supp Estimates $000 |
30/06/07 Main Estimates $000 |
7,456 | Revenue Crown | 6,959 | 6,959 | 6,432 |
11 | Other Revenue | 30 | 29 | 11 |
7,467 | Total Revenue | 6,989 | 6,988 | 6,443 |
7,467 | Total Expenses | 6,898 | 6,988 | 6,443 |
0 | Net surplus/(deficit) | 91 | 0 | 0 |
Relationships and Information
The Minister purchased outputs that were designed to assist Māori to realise their social, economic and cultural potential at the local level. These outputs included policy advice, information services, communications, and brokerage and coordination services to support relationships between Māori and state sector agencies, local government, non-government organisations and the private sector.
Quality, quantity and timeliness performance measures for Ministerial servicing are reported under Ministerial servicing Performance in this report.
The performance measures required:
- provision of information to Māori and others about issues and opportunities associated with our organisational priorities
- collection and analysis of local-level information about issues and opportunities associated with our organisational priorities
- provision of brokerage services between Māori and state sector agencies, local government, non-government organisations and the private sector;
- co-ordination of services between Māori and state sector agencies, local government, non-government organisations and the private sector; and
- advice on the ownership and regulatory interests of the Minister of Māori Affairs in various entities.
All work produced was aligned to key themes as contained in the Statement of Intent 2006/07. The specific outputs and services by Region are summarised below.
Tōtara North - A Tourism Centre
Te Rūnanga o Whaingaroa, based in the small Northland settlement of Kaeo, has secured the old Tōtara Mill situated on the Whangaroa harbour, and plans to turn this site into a tourism centre. Te Puni Kōkiri has assisted the Rūnanga through providing a key worker, as well as business and investment advice.
Opononi Heritage Centre and Footprints Hokianga – History converges with technology
Te Puni Kōkiri supported the Kaumātua and four marae in Hokianga to develop a heritage centre that relates 1,000 year old stories converging history with technology. In partnership with Copthorne Omapere this initiative is supporting tourism development as a catalyst for transforming Hokianga.
Tai Tokerau Iwi Consortium - Seven Iwi Working Together
The Tai Tokerau Iwi Consortium operates at a strategic and policy level for the collective benefit of seven iwi organisations, including Ngāti Whatua, Ngāti Wai, Ngā Puhi, Whaingaroa, Te Rārawa, Ngāti Kahu and Te Aupōuri. Te Puni Kōkiri supported the consortium to assess and build their governance and management capacity, engage with local and regional councils and identify strategic and policy issues.
Te Uri o Hau – A plan for economic and social transformation
The social and economic transformation of Te Uri o Hau in a post-settlement environment is a key goal to ensure prosperity for their whānau. Te Puni Kōkiri worked alongside Te Uri o Hau to create economic and social profiles and provided funding for strategic policy advice.
Ngāti Wai Digital Strategy – ICT access to whānau
Ngāti Wai have provided leadership in the information and communications sector through its digital strategies, implementing projects on five marae giving ICT access to whānau in those areas. Te Puni Kōkiri supported Ngāti Wai with their project management and business case development and supported their applications to the Digital Strategy fund.
“When you can’t hear, you listen differently”- Support for Māori Deaf in Tai Tokerau
As a pretext to the establishment of a Māori Deaf Association that supports the needs of Māori Deaf in Tai Tokerau, Te Puni Kōkiri supported a project by Kaha turi o Te Tai Tokerau (Māori Deaf Steering Committee) and Tiaho Trust (formerly Te Tai Tokerau Disability empowerment and Advocacy Support Trust). The aim of the project is to enable Māori Deaf to control their own development and achieve their own objectives within the wider Māori communities and the health and disability sectors. This project was also supported by Northland Disabilities Resource Centre, Te Roopu Waiora Trust, Te Uri o Hau, and Hauora Whānui who recognised the issues and barriers facing Māori Deaf and the need to establish culturally appropriate services.
Trade training opportunity
Te Puni Kōkiri is developing a new look for Māori trade training in Tai Tokerau. in partnership with Te Rūnanga o Te Rarawa, Northland College, Northtec and the Ministry of Social Development, Te Puni Kōkiri has provided funding to support the implementation of trade training for young Māori.
Engaging Rangatahi in Learning – Inter sectoral support for education project
To address the critical issue of Māori boy’s educational achievement, Te Puni Kōkiri secured agreement from the Northland Inter-sectoral Forum to prioritise ‘Engaging Rangatahi in Learning’ as the key Northland issue to address. Plans are now underway to secure Te Kotahitanga in every school in Northland, supported by mentoring, whānau support networks, and rangatahi initiatives. Te Puni Kōkiri, Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Social Development are working together to support this priority.
Te Whare Mātaurang - A place of learning
Te Whare Mātauranga will be a place to gather and share the traditions and treasures of Ngāpuhi. Te Rūnanga ā iwi o Ngapuhi and their Te Whare Mātauranga governance group, project managers Manaaki Solutions and Te Puni Kōkiri are working together to design and develop Te Whare Mātauranga both virtually and physically.
Tāmaki Makaurau
Pae Huarahi, Te Roopu Waiora Trust - Māori Disabled Driving Their Own Future
A project considered the first of its kind led by whānau with disabilities is being developed from support provided by Te Puni Kōkiri. The initiative known as Pae Huarahi was originally designed with guidance of kaumātua from Ngāi Tai at Umupuia Marae. Its overall goal is to build the capacity of whānau with disabilities to determine and evaluate government and non-government service delivery provided across all sectors. Pae Huarahi has a number of layers that involves mana whenua, mainstream, kaupapa Māori and government agency responsiveness to Māori disabled. Driving this initiative is Te Roopu Waiora Trust in partnership with Tāmaki Ngāti Kapo Incorporated and Mana Tangata Turi; unique organisations founded and governed by Māori with a range of disabilities.
Auckland Festival – “Tuwhare” Performance
In 2006/07, Te Puni Kōkiri assisted Auckland Festival AK07 to hold “Tuwhare”, an evening of Māori music set to the poetry of Hone Tuwhare. Overall, AK07 was an excellent celebration of artistry and song, with a uniquely Māori wairua.
Ngāpuhi Festival – A Celebration of Ngāpuhitanga
The Ngāpuhi Festival held in March 2007 was an outstanding success. The festival was a Celebration of Ngāpuhitanga and approximately 38,000 people attended (exceeding the original target of 10,000 people). The event began with a hakatau for Ngāpuhi taonga (compliments of Auckland Museum) and was a widely recognised success for Ngāpuhitanga under the banners of Ngā Pou o te Whare Tapu o Ngāpuhi: Pūhanga Tohora, Te Ramaroa, Whiria, Panguru, Maungataniwha, Tokerau, Rākaumangamanga, Manaia, Tūtamoe, and Maunganui.
The Marae Directory Project – A Foundation For Working Together
The Marae directory was a successful project piloted with 25 Marae supported by Te Puni Kōkiri. The project was initiated by Te Puni Kōkiri from the findings of the marae census completed in 1997. This project has been a foundation for marae to network together, communicate; promoting and marketing what services they have to offer the local and surrounding communities as well as other communities within the region and throughout Aotearoa.
Te Roopu Kaumātua O Owairaka ki Tāmaki
Te Puni Kōkiri facilitated Hui Whakaako Waiata mō ngā wā katoa as part of the cultural development agenda for their membership in May 2007. The hui continued a strong relationship between Te Puni Kōkiri and Te Roopu Kaumātua O Owairaka.
Feedback from the 40 attendees highlighted an increase in knowledge and understanding, cultural development strengthened and wellbeing enhanced. As one kaumātua commented “we were fed the kai of chiefs”.
Tamaki Ki Raro – Single Parent Mentoring Program
This project provided a mentoring program to empower single Māori parents to achieve their aspirations and enhance whānau wellbeing. It was an opportunity to increase whānau wellbeing through financial independence, reduce the incidence of domestic violence and create safe environments for whānau. The actual program runs over a 12 week period, and is collaboratively supported by Te Puni Kōkiri and the Ministry of Social Development.
The program has progressed well and the Rōpū have been able to successfully build relationships with Work and Income co-ordinators from Mangere, Manurewa, Papakura, Onehunga, Clendon, Papatoetoe, and Manukau. Two highly skilled development coaches were employed to support, encourage and help the 20 participants create career pathways and achieve sustainable employment. The participants are already seeing the benefits of the program and how they can empower themselves to achieve desired goals.
Platinum RSVP-Event Business off to a Good Start
Te Puni Kōkiri engaged a specialist mentor to work with the marketing strategy and provided assistance with the first event - the live comedy show “The Laughing Samoans”.
Katchafire – Business Development
Katchafire embarked on their second European tour which saw them break into music’s two notoriously competitive music markets – the United Kingdom and United States of America. Te Puni Kōkiri provided Business Development mentoring, management and infrastructure development.
Hauraki Māori Trust Board – Whānau Development Action Research Programme / Strategic Blue Print 2006 - 2012
Te Puni Kōkiri has supported the Hauraki Māori Trust Board (HMTB) to design a Hauraki Whānau focused social audit framework. The purpose of the framework is to provide a comprehensive Hauraki Whānau profile and foundation for the development of indigenous indicators to shape a better future for Hauraki as an iwi. The Board has developed and implemented its Hauraki Strategic Blue Print 2006 – 2012, with a vision of “Building the Hauraki iwi together” to provide a future where all Hauraki Whānau are governed, economically vibrant, culturally rich, healthy, educated, informed and participating as part of a robust and thriving te taiao.
Hauraki Māori Trust Board Digital Library Project
Te Puni Kōkiri also supported HMTB to provide an opportunity to develop and launch a Hauraki Digital library and produce a User Manual. The Library will store Hauraki mātauranga and make it accessible online to Hauraki descendants. HMTB will develop the library and lead the protection and sustainability of ngā taonga tuku iho for Hauraki and external stakeholders to access. It also allows for the intergenerational transmission of cultural knowledge to current generations and into the future.
Ngāti Pu Whānau Trust Cultural Expo
Te Puni Kōkiri provided support to Ngāti Pu Whānau trust to hold a Cultural expo for whānau and hapū members to participate in traditional and contemporary Māori arts and crafts.
Ngāti Pu Whānau were able to attend and participate in the three workshops around hapū activities to:
- Learn new skills
- Receive cultural knowledge; and
- Transfer of art mediums.
Over 500 people attended the expo from Ngāti Pu, Hauraki, the Motu, and the wider community who participated in the workshops. Evaluation and feedback from participants within the workshops has shown how their lives have changed as a result of the expo.
Te Arawa
Te Arawa Lakes Trust ‘NAU MAI PLACE’
This is a major communications strategy supported by Te Puni Kōkiri to assist the Trust and its beneficiaries communicate better with one another and their 33 marae. The initial pilot links ten marae and provides access for beneficiaries via the internet. This will enable Te Arawa people to network with their marae from anywhere in the world as well as assist their people to stay connected with their marae, whānau, hapū and iwi.
Te Puni Kōkiri has supported and maximised the Māori tourism product in the Ngā Toka Toru Charitable Trust through Calendar of Events, Rotomahana Walkway feasibility and facilitation, and its ongoing funding of various sporting and cultural events on an annual basis.
Ahuwhenua Trophy 2007 - Hard Work Rewarded
Te Puni Kōkiri was a major sponsor of this coveted competition. The trophy was first commissioned by the late Tā Apirana Ngata to encourage and acknowledge Māori farming. Te Puni Kōkiri supported the field day hosted by Tuaropaki Dry Stock Farm at Mokai, Taupō who were the Midland Region winners.
Māori Youth – Rangatahi
Te Puni Kōkiri invested in and supported Te Taumata Mātauranga o Ngāti Whakaue – Education Strategy, Youth Awareness Week events, Te Kaihanga Trust – Rangatahi Careers, Waipapa 9 Trust – Agricultural and Horticultural Training, and Te Rangimarie Trust – Governance and Management.
Tūwharetoa Māori Trust Board – ‘Huinga Rangatahi 2007’
Te Puni Kōkiri support assisted Ngāti Tūwharetoa develop rangatahi potential and career expo targeting Yr 12-13 students throughout the Taupō region. The hui was well attended, relevant to rangatahi needs in terms of identifying career options, and developing a collective and supportive environment to help rangatahi engage their future with confidence.
Te Waiora ā Tane
Te Waiora ā Tane is a Māori healing and rongoā service based in Rotorua. This service emerged in response to a significant number of Māori people seeking alternative therapy to improve their health, well being and quality of life. It has been identified that the priority for healing would be those suffering from cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and renal failure. Te Puni Kōkiri’s support has strengthened the governance and management infrastructure of Te Waiora ā Tane Charitable Trust.
Māori Land Development Seminars - Land utilisation information
Te Puni Kōkiri sponsored a series of seminars that focused on the following development options:
- Residential and Investment
- Vermaculture and Sustainable Communities; and
- Geothermal Low Temperature Utilisation.
Future topics focus on forestry options in partnership with SCION. To date the seminars have been well attended and relevant. Future seminars may focus on options for Taupo lands. These seminars will provide Māori landowners with insights and options to enhance their own land utilisation.
Ngā Kākano o te Kaihanga Trust - Rangatahi Potential and Career Pathways Identified
Te Puni Kōkiri assisted the Trust with a two pronged developmental programme focussing on rangatahi potential and career pathways analysis that coincided with the NZSA National Certificate in Fitness, level 2.
Taumata Mātauranga o Ngāti Whakaue
Te Puni Kōkiri assisted the Rūnanga with the development and implementation of its education strategy. This education strategy supports previous work to establish an Institute of Marine Studies in Maketū, and developing partnerships with the Ministry of Education and other agencies.
Te Moana ā Toi
Industry Leaders in Kiwifruit Production - Te Kaha Joint Venture Orchards
The six Te Kaha Joint Venture Orchard operations, all growing on Māori freehold Land, have become industry leaders in Kiwifruit Gold Production and returns. Te Puni Kōkiri assisted the participating land trusts with the development of a year long programme of training to strengthen their active participation in managing their collective assets. Environmental and capacity audits have been completed and trusts are undergoing further training on their way to completing remedial work based on that assessment.
Strengthening Governance - Governance Training
Te Puni Kōkiri facilitated five Trustee Training and Strategic Planning workshops for Charitable Trusts, Ahu Whenua Trusts and Māori Reservations. The workshops provided trustees with relevant information that has raised their awareness with regard to legislation and their roles and responsibilities. As an outcome of this training the trusts have the capacity to lead, influence and make positive choices for themselves and others.
Website, Shareholder Communication - The Proprietors of Mangatawa Papamoa Blocks
Mangatawa Papamoa Blocks Incorporated is involved in large commercial redevelopment activities for their land. As well as delivering governance and management programmes, Te Puni Kōkiri facilitated the development of a website for the Incorporation as a communication tool to enable effective shareholder participation in the ongoing management of the Incorporation and to facilitate discussion on their developmental aspirations.
Te Whetu Marae - Whare Tipuna To Be Rebuilt
Te Puni Kōkiri facilitated and brokered hui between the Te Whetu Marae trustees and local funding agencies. This enabled the Marae trustees to accelerate the rebuilding of their Wharenui.
Te Whetu o te Rangi is the focal point for discussion of any issues relating to or effecting the people of Ngāti Pukenga ki Tauranga Iwi. The devastation of losing their whare tipuna through fire was felt not only by the people of Ngāti Pukenga but also the wider community of Tauranga Moana.
First Regional Rā Hākinakina for Mataatua and Tauranga Moana Kōhanga Reo
Te Puni Kōkiri supported the first regional Kohanga Reo Rā Hākinakina for Mataatua and Tauranga Moana. The event was attended by 58 Kōhanga reo, 1500 tamariki and 350 mātua, kaumātua and kuia. The event gave Te Moana a Toi Kōhanga Reo the opportunity to participate in traditional and contemporary sports and cultural events throughout the day.
Tūhoe Ahurei - A Success
Te Puni Kōkiri supported The Tūhoe Ahurei 2007 which was held in Ruātoki, April 2007. The event was a celebration of Tūhoetanga cultural identity, and the three day event was a success attended by over 25,000 people.
Te Puni Kōkiri’s support focused on identifying the capacity and capability of whānau and hapū to organise an iwi cultural festival. This support built the capability and opportunity for Māori to make decisions for themselves, to act in self–determining ways and to actively influence decisions that affect their lives, and is integral to individual/collective wellbeing.
Taiohi Realising Potential - Rangatahi Challenge
Te Tari Taiohi Shield Challenge is a biannual sporting and activities based event that encourages Taiohi aged 15-24 years to participate and experience youth leadership, sport, whakawhānaungatanga and establish relationships that help connect them positively with their communities. With the support of Te Puni Kōkiri, the event attracted 115 participants, enabling Taiohi to practise collective and cultural values thus realising their potential.
Development of a Marae Governance and Management Toolkit - Strengthen Marae Capability
Te Puni Kōkiri worked with a reference group comprising marae representatives to develop a practical guide to assist them to improve their governance and management capability. The tools developed are intended to assist marae with assessing their current state, consolidating their governance practices and identifying opportunities for cultural, social and economic growth.
Mana Rangatahi hui - A Success
Te Puni Kōkiri collaborated with Whāriki Trust to host a rangatahi leadership conference in Napier in December 2006. The 31 rangatahi participated in a range of interactive activities designed with the support of a group of their peers. Government agencies, community organisations and private sector businesses provided advice and information to support the conference.
Mātauranga Forum – Focus on Te Reo Māori and Education Achievement
Te Puni Kōkiri established a Mātauranga Forum which has met regularly since late 2006. The initial role was to collaborate in the areas of Te Reo Māori development and educational achievement. A Schools Strategy was developed, in light of the release of new educational strategies that impact on Māori. The forum has supported a number of community and school-based initiatives as well as providing oversight for the delivery of the Mana Rangatahi Conference.
Te Reo Māori Launch and Strategies
Te Puni Kōkiri has worked with Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Inc. To develop and deliver their iwi te reo Māori strategy. The launch of the strategy was integral to progress the objectives to be achieved in five key areas – Whakaoho, Whakamahi, Whakaako, Whakamana and Whakawhānaungatanga. Te Puni Kōkiri provided support and was also involved in the planning for the event. The iwi strategy links to the Te Puni Kōkiri regional priority work of te reo Māori and Marae development and has been a positive demonstration of the working relationship between Te Puni Kōkiri and Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Inc.
CAFÉ Event – Whānau and Community Provider Relationships
Te Ora Hou (Hawke’s Bay) is a service provider situated in the Camberley community of Hastings. The Camberley Annual Family Event celebrates whānau and community, and has been delivered by Te Ora Hou (HB) since 2005. Te Puni Kōkiri has supported the growth of the provider’s event management expertise and through this has been able to acknowledge how this event has brought the community together. This community has a high percentage of Māori residents and low income families, most of whom are Māori or Pacific Island. Initially the event attracted small numbers but in 2007 there were over 3,000 participants.
Marae-based training initiative
Working with a reference group comprising marae representatives, Te Puni Kōkiri supported the development of a vocational training programme. The training to be delivered by the Eastern Institute of Technology in a collaborative approach with Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga (Ngāti Kahungunu) which as a marae-based iwi organisation will represent Napier and Hastings marae. Marae have a key role in identifying rangatahi to participate in the programme and providing pastoral care. Annually, up to 15 rangatahi will achieve a Level 4 (NZQA recognised) qualification in the building trade. The Ministry of Social Development, Māori builders, the Building and Construction Industry Training Organisation and other key stakeholders have been involved in the development and are taking an active role in ensuring the success of the programme which commenced mid-2007.
Brokering relationships between marae and the public and private sector is a process Te Puni Kōkiri continues to facilitate. A second regional initiative which will focus on marae maintenance with a view to participants achieving a Level 2 qualification is to be developed in the Wairarapa.
Papakāinga Housing – Whānau live on own land
Te Puni Kōkiri, the Māori Land Court, Housing new Zealand and the Hastings District Council worked collaboratively on a project to align public and local government policy to enable Māori to build on multiple-owned ancestral land. Kaumātua have been consulted on a tikanga view of Papakainga housing and agencies have agreed to consider that in the context of their internal processes and procedures. Te Puni Kōkiri led this project piloted in Hastings. A reference group of marae representatives provided project oversight and advised the relevant agencies on issues and aspirations of whānau in terms of Papakainga housing development.
Fire Prevention and Safety at Marae Promoted
Te Puni Kōkiri worked with the New Zealand Fire Service and other stakeholders to promote fire prevention and safety at marae. An inaugural hui was held in June 2007 with a focus on providing marae representatives with advice on preventing fire, managing fire risks, and accessing funding to support marae projects that will achieve this. Te Puni Kōkiri sees this as a significant initiative that is intended to lead to a strategy to address marae safety and tāonga protection. Work has also commenced with the insurance industry to identify opportunities for marae to reduce insurance risk and consequently insurance premiums.
Te Tairāwhiti
Rates Inquiry – Iwi supported to develop written submission
In April 2007, Te Puni Kōkiri facilitated the development of a written submission regarding the Rates Inquiry, Te Iwi o Rakaipaaka Inc and Ngāti Kahungunu ki te Wairoa iwi members were involved. The submission sought to examine the impact of rates on land covered by the Te Ture Whenua Māori Act 1993, in the Wairoa district.
National Awards or Nāti Awards Communication and Technology Success
Te Puni Kōkiri supported the celebration to acknowledge and recognise Ngāti Porou schools for their excellence in information and Communication technology. Te Puni Kōkiri assisted with developing the capabilities of the schools media production teams and provided judges and a Master of Ceremonies for the event.
CR8TIV Tairāwhiti - E Pānui success
Te Puni Kōkiri supported the launch of e-ways, the CR8TIV E-PANUI, a monthly newsletter for the Tairāwhiti Māori Creative community. Some of the events reported in the e-pānui included: the Gifted Sands exhibition in Mahia, the Kapa Haka Super 12 in Gisborne, the Uawanui arts festival and the Rū Uawa concert in Tolaga Bay.
Te Puni Kōkiri also co-organised the creative sector hui for Tūranga ararau local and national talent, seminars on intellectual property rights and co-ordinated the Tairāwhiti participation in the national V 48 hour film makers festival challenge, where sixteen of the seventeen Tairāwhiti teams participating were Māori.
Wise money Community Seminars – Financial Literacy seminars popular
Te Puni Kōkiri supported the (Tairāwhiti Māori networks) at the Wisemoney “fun and non-commercial financial literacy training” seminars. Approximately 110 people from Ruatoria through to Wairoa attended. The seminar was also sponsored by Ka Pai Kaiti, NZ Home Loans Ltd, Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Porou, Gisborne Mortgage and Finance Ltd and Gisborne District Council.
Ngāti Pahauwera
Te Puni Kōkiri supported Ngāti Pahauwera Section 30, Co-operative Society Ltd to assess the economic opportunity for Ngāti Pahauwera and its community to generate power from the Mōhaka and Wairere rivers. A cultural assessment was also completed, where results from these investigations were shared with Ngāti Pahauwera whānau through a series of wānanga.
Manukōrero Speech and Kapa Haka competition at Te Waha o Rerekohu te Araroa - success celebrated
Te Puni Kōkiri sponsored a very successful Manukōrero Speech and Kapa Haka competition, held at Te Waha o Rerekohu Area School at Te Araroa. Overall, eleven Secondary Schools from Wharekahika to Wairoa competed in the Kapa Haka Competition and the winners went on to represent Tairāwhiti at the 2007 National Manu kōrero competitions in Tāmaki Makaurau.
Matariki – Ngāti Porou talent
Te Puni Kōkiri assisted Te Urunga o te Rā Sports Club in tikitiki, rangitukia to hold the Matariki Music Festival. This was an opportunity for Māori within Tairāwhiti and Ngāti Porou to showcase and celebrate their successes and talent.
Ngāti Porou Hauora – Weaving skills revitalised
Te Puni Kōkiri assisted Ngāti Porou Hauora to engage local weavers to construct “Wahakura”, a woven harakeke (flax) bassinet, and train other weavers in the region to make wahakura. The wahakura provides a safe sleeping place for infants, potentially lessening the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.
Ngāti Porou Inter-marae Sports – Whānau ties strengthened
Te Puni Kōkiri assisted Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Porou to host the Ngāti Porou inter-marae Sports – strengthening whānaungatanga through sports and recreation. Twenty five marae from Wharekahika to Whangara entered and approximately 6000 people participated.
Ngā Taonga a Tamatoa Trust – Publication Preserves History
Te Puni Kōkiri assisted the ngā taonga a tamatoa trust to complete the book – The Price of citizenship. The knowledge and experiences of Māori war veterans from the 28th Māori Battalion C Company is now maintained and preserved for future generations through this publication.
Te Tai Hauāuru
Maungarongo ki te Whenua – Parihaka History Shared
Parihaka Pa has a firmly entrenched position in new Zealand’s history, which is now being progressively extended through the annual Parihaka Peace Festival, which has quickly become permanently etched on New Zealand’s calendar of celebratory and commemorative events. While the festival is a Parihaka community initiative, the benefits also accrue to the wider iwi and regional communities as well. People attending the festival are overcome with the strong sense of tradition, history and place that Parihaka exudes while promoting the equally strong, universal message of peace. Te Puni Kōkiri contributed by sponsoring this cultural and economically important event.
World of Music Art and Dance (Taranaki) - Increased leverage for Māori Businesses
WOMAD is an international event that has a significant following among indigenous communities throughout the world. Taranaki Māori development organisation Tui Ora has become a WOMAD programme partner which places them in a prime position to facilitate and strengthen the place and participation of Māori in this annual event. In addition to showcasing the best of Māori culture, Tui Ora have also targeted the participation of Māori businesses as an opportunity to leverage off the tens of thousands of people who attend the three day festival. Te Puni Kōkiri supported this festival in 2006/07.
“Whaia Te Tika” (Manawatu)-Hata Paora positions itself for the future
“Whaia te tika” is the motto and pepeha for Hato Paora College, one of the few remaining Māori boarding schools. The college and its whānau whanui (wider community) have recognised that they have reached a point of requiring a strategic renewal to ensure their future survival and maintaining a unique contribution to Māori education and realisation of Māori potential in secondary schooling. Their new strategic direction “Strategy 2027” was supported by Te Puni Kōkiri that will assist the College Trust Board to manage a successful start to Strategy 2027, and achievement of its stated development objectives.
Sport Wanganui (Rangitīkei, Whanganui)
Te Puni Kōkiri supported a new Sport and Recreation Wanganui project promoting physical activity among kaumātua. Weekly kaumātua sit fit classes are the base for developing wider lifestyle plans.
Domestic Violence (Rangitīkei, South Taranaki, Whanganui)
Te Puni Kōkiri hosted a conference and series of workshops to discuss family violence and its impact on iwi, hapū and Whānau. The aim was to motivate Māori and the wider community to acknowledge family violence as an issue and develop strategies to empower whānau well-being. The ultimate aim of the project is a reduction in family violence.
Down on the Farm (Waimarino) - Outstanding Results
The Ahu Whenua excellence in farming competitions is a fixed item on the Atihau Inc (Whanganui) agenda. Te Puni Kōkiri supported this through sponsorship, joining organisations that included BNZ, Meat and Wool NZ, Agresearch, Suzuki, Balance, PGG Wrightson and Agriculture ITO. Whilst promoting excellence in farming achievement, the competitions are also strengthening shareholder interest in the affairs of the Incorporation and reviving an intention to undertake an agricultural based trade training initiative.
Expanding Career Opportunities for Young Māori (Taranaki)
Te Puni Kōkiri, the Ministry of Social Development and new Plymouth District Council have a long history of working together to improve the labour market performance of young Māori new to the world of career search and work. The partners have successfully undertaken a jointly managed and resourced 12 month cadetship programme that achieved significant employment, training and education outcomes for participants, in the unique work environment of a progressive local authority in a vibrant provincial city.
Mana Wahine (Whanganui)
The Whanganui Branch of the Māori Women’s Welfare League embarked on a rejuvenation and renewal programme to increase membership in 2006/07. Te Puni Kōkiri supported the league and is particularly interested in how their approach can become an example and template for success that other small organisations might benefit from.
Supporting NZ Police Improve the Trust and Confidence of Māori Communities (NZ Police Central Districts)
Te Puni Kōkiri worked closely with the Central Districts Iwi Liaison staff to achieve a high level of trust and cooperation between them and Māori communities. This was reflected in the free flow and exchange of information between the agencies, the shared activities at large events important to Māori in the region and the ability for both parties to bring together the respective strengths of the two organisations, as a platform for improving Māori trust and confidence. The Iwi Liaison staff were strongly and actively supported by their District Commander and the results of this joint agency work is becoming more widely known among senior police circles.
Pest Management (Taumarunui)
Hinengakau Development Trust is one of Whanganui iwi’ constituent hapū collectives, having their tribal rohe in the upper reaches of the Whanganui river and includes significant tracts of native forests and iwi owned farms. Preserving the condition of the estate is therefore of vital interest to Hinengakau and one of their successes has been for one of their iwi sponsored and supported businesses achieve 100% success rate for possum control over 30,000 hectares. This outcome is a result of the higher level relationship between Hinengakau and the other two parties, and a further example of how Te Puni Kōkiri facilitation support can contribute to a solid business relationship between Māori, local government and the successful business result that was produced.
Te Whanganui ā Tara
Celebrating Māori in business
Te Puni Kōkiri was a significant sponsor of the National Māori Business Expo held at Otaki in November 2006. The Expo was a national event to promote Māori organisations and businesses that attracted over 1500 visitors. Māori businesses provided visitors with an opportunity to discuss their work, while mentoring workshops, carving displays, and weaving workshops also took place. The Te Puni Kōkiri Māori Business Facilitation Service was available to stallholders and visitors.
Maui Stage Production - A Celebration of Māori Culture
This stage production was a celebration of Māori culture in a contemporary medium. The original theatre production tells the life story of the Māori demi-god, Maui. The production used an exciting mix of kapa haka, musical theatre, contemporary dance and aerial theatre. The new series of performances began in Wellington in May 2007 with the support from Te Puni Kōkiri.
Muaupoko and Raukawa Whakawhānaungatanga Day
Muaupoko Ngāti Raukawa Whakawhānaungatunga Day, sponsored by Te Puni Kōkiri was held at the Levin Event Centre in October 2006. The event brought together iwi, hapū and whānau from Muaupoko and Ngāti Raukawa to participate in events that recognise their collective capacity and capability that allowed for the transfer of traditional and new knowledge within and between each of these iwi.
Gala celebrations Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Porirua
The annual gala for Te Kura Māori o Porirua was held in November 2006 at the Kura. The gala was an opportunity for the kura to fundraise and celebrate their achievements with the local and wider community promoting their strategic goals of Kaitiakitanga, Whānaungatanga, Rangātiratanga and whai wāhitanga. Te Puni Kōkiri supported the gala in what was a major achievement for the kura following a fire at the school that destroyed classrooms.
Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Toa Rangātira Creekfest and Festival of the Elements
The Te Puni Kōkiri supported festival, organised by the Porirua Community Arts Council, utilised the arts to celebrate New Zealand’s cultural diversity on Waitangi Day. Creekfest’07 was a unique event celebrating cultural diversity within Porirua City. The purpose of the event was to raise the self-esteem of tamariki and rangatahi through performance and recognition. It provided an opportunity for people to participate in a range of physical activities; enabled them to be informed about health services in Porirua; reinforced relationships between health providers and their community(s); promoted Healthy Lifestyle messages - good eating, exercise and smoking cessation.
Te Heke Mai Raro 10th Anniversary Celebrations Hongoeka Marae, Plimmerton
Te Puni Kōkiri supported Whānau Whānui of Hongoeka Marae celebrate the 10th anniversary of the opening of “Te Heke Mai Raro” the wharenui. The event provided the opportunity to commemorate the epic journey from Kāwhia made by Ngāti Toa Rangātira tupuna under the leadership of Te Rauparaha known as “Te Heke Mai Raro” after which the wharenui is named. Korero on the history of “Te Heke Mai Raro” and the different elements of the wharenui provided important opportunities for the 300 Whānau, kaumātua to the tamariki to learn more about the Ngāti toa rangātira history, whakapapa, waiata, taonga, purakau and te reo me ona tikanga.
25 year celebrations Te Kōhanga Reo
Sixteen graduates from within the Ikaroa te Kōhanga Reo District were awarded their tohu in either, Te Ara Hiko, Te Ara Tuatahi, Te Ara Tuarua or Te Pae Ra Ngātiratanga. Invited guests included mokopuna, whānau, mātua, kaiako, kaiāwhina of the 48 Kōhanga reo within the Ikaroa District, and current trustees of the National Kōhanga Reo Trust. Te Puni Kōkiri contributed to the success of this occasion.
Mana wahine and Matariki Celebrations Kōkiri Marae - Keriana Olsen Trust
A Mana wahine day was held in April 2007 to share information on a range of topics with the community and users of the Kōkiri Marae Keriana Olsen trust. The Matariki event took place in June, leading into Matariki and provided artists with an opportunity to display their work. The five day exhibition of Tā Moko, an art auction, workshops in painting and jewellery making was supported by Te Puni Kōkiri.
Te Ra o Ngā Mokopuna
Te Ra o Ngā Mokopuna hosted by Paparakau Tuarua Te Kōhanga Reo in Lower Hutt, and supported by Te Puni Kōkiri was held in December 2006. The aim of the event was to bring together 15 Kōhanga Reo within the Hutt valley and Wellington area to develop the health and well being of ngā mokopuna by holding a one day wānanga. This was the Paparakau Tuarua Te Kōhanga Reo way of showing commitment to the needs of Whānau, hapū and iwi through whakawhānaungatanga in the preservation, revival, maintenance of the language, history, Māori arts, crafts, cultures and values. Approximately 500 mokopuna and a similar number of parents and caregivers were present throughout a successful day. Mokopuna participated in a number of sports and cultural activities during the day. This has become an annual event organised by Paparakau Tuarua Te Kōhanga Reo.
Te Rā o Te Raukura
This event was organised by Atiawa Toa FM in association with Te Puni Kōkiri, Hutt City Council and various other sponsors and attracted a high number of Māori participants. The event featured arts and crafts, health and education exhibitions, live music and kapa haka, food and entertainment. All proceeds were donated to Te Omanga Hospice.
Wainuiomata Squash Club – National Māori Squash tournament
The National Māori Squash Tournament supported by Te Puni Kōkiri was held in October 2006. The event was jointly hosted by Ngā Hau e Whā ki te Upoko o te Ika and Wainuiomata Squash Clubs and was attended by 270 people. Approximately 50 rangatahi attended and participated in events during the weekend which included squash, kapa haka, te reo me ngā tikanga Māori. Coaching and mentoring sessions were provided to the rangatahi participants by senior players and coaches.
Review of Te Kōhanga Reo National Trust
Assistance was provided by Te Puni Kōkiri to the Te Kōhanga Reo National Trust to undertake a review and scope a management strategy that will strengthen the Trust’s capability in achieving its strategic goals and shared outcomes.
National Collective of Women - Implementation of Māori growth strategy
Te Puni Kōkiri assistance was provided to the national Collective of Independent Women’s Refuges to progress Stage 2 of its Māori Growth Strategy, to enable the creation of a Māori Development Establishment Unit within Refuge.
Te Rūnanganui o Taranaki Whanui Tamaiti Whāngai “Our Families Our Children”
Te Puni Kōkiri supported this initiative that focuses on enhancing the leadership of all whānau and families living in a defined community to support each other prepare their children through their education progressing to worthwhile careers and enhanced well-being. Based on generational (0-18yrs) whānau family planning, local whānau and family members work together as advocates or multi-service providers in an integrated way. The intention of this project is to use the Wainuiomata site as the model to operate a tamaiti Whāngai programme at three new sites based at Whangārei, Wairoa and Tūrangi in the first year of a 3 year planning time-line. A further 6 sites will be established in participating communities throughout New Zealand during year 2 and 3.
Wainuiomata Christian Fellowship - Supporting Engineering school pastoral care
Te Puni Kōkiri and the Ministry of Social Development worked with the Wainuiomata Christian Fellowship to support training and employment opportunities for 22 students. Assistance has been provided to develop a model for training and future employment of trainees enrolled at the Wainuiomata Christian Fellowship with a contract with Ministry of Social Development to fund a position for two years.
Weltec – Electro-technology
Te Puni Kōkiri worked collaboratively with Wellington Institute of Technology to attract 10 Māori into learning on Weltec’s pre-employment and pre-trades electro-technology programme. Five Māori students were identified by Te Puni Kōkiri and five Māori students were identified by Electro-technology Industry Training Organisation Incorporated were enrolled for this course that commenced in March 2007.
Te Wai Pounamu
Te Waipounamu Rock Art - Protection And More National Exposure
There are more than 550 Māori rock art sites in Te Waipounamu, but their importance as part of new Zealand’s national heritage and identity is not widely recognised. A unique Ngāi Tahu taonga, rock art, is set to become a major attraction and gain more protection. The establishment of the Ngāi Tahu Māori Rock Art Centre is gaining momentum as the Ngāi Tahu Māori rock Art trust moves into Phase two of their strategic plan with the support of Te Puni Kōkiri.
Tā Moko
Te Rūnaka o Awarua Charitable Trust held a series of Tā Moko wānanga in Murihiku throughout 2006/07. Tā moko experts were brought in to Murihiku to impart knowledge on the origins, design and tikanga associated with Tā Moko; demonstrate techniques; explain patterns and various designs including tribal specific design. Originally this was planned to be a one-off seminar, however due to the amount of interest and demand further wānanga were organised, and supported by Te Puni Kōkiri.
Te Puni Kōkiri Cultural Festival - Celebrating Our Identity
Over 5,000 children from 65 primary and intermediate schools took part in this year’s Te Puni Kōkiri Cultural Festival. The festival started in 1981 and 2007 is the third year of Te Puni Kōkiri support. The festival is an amazing celebration and success of the unique Māori and Pacific identity.
Waitaha Cultural Council: Kapa Haka Needs Identified
Te Puni Kōkiri created a new position for one year with the Waitaha Cultural Council. Christchurch based Kapa Haka expert has undertaken a full analysis of the Canterbury community’s cultural needs, and the outcomes will provide a profile of the Kapa Haka needs within the rohe.
Te Hapū o Ngāti Wheke - Ngāti Wheke Develops Own Carvers
Two Te Waipounamu master carvers led the carving of Ngāti Wheke whare tūpuna at rāpaki on the Banks Peninsula. The project supported by Te Puni Kōkiri ensured that at least four potential carvers from the hapū became proficient in whakairo.
Kati Waewae
Te Poari o Kati Waewae Charitable Trust is the fund holder and investment arm for Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Waewae Inc. The intent of this project was to develop an investment plan which protects and grows the assets of the Rūnanga for now and future generations. Supported by Te Puni Kōkiri, this will enable the Rūnanga to draw down the Putea Tautoko from Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu by having an investment strategy in place.
Christchurch Social Interagency Network – Youth Plan
The Christchurch Social Policy interagency network (CSPIN) is a regionally collaborative initiative with Te Puni Kōkiri support that involves senior managers from central and local government agencies. One major piece of work in 2006/07 was the updating of the Christchurch Youth Plan; this document sets out a series of statements in relation to the well-being of youth in Christchurch and also states the commitment CSPIN members are making to achieve these.
Top Ten Crime Families
A further CSPIN collaborative project taking shape in 2006/07 was the top ten Crime Families strategy; where the aim is to produce a joined up whole of government approach which wraps around the families to ensure that they receive the support and incentives to change their behaviours and break the cycle of intergenerational crime careers.
- Regular proactive reports at least quarterly, on all regional issues and/or activities were prepared and referred to the Minister of Māori Affairs.
- Monthly reports on the status of deliverables in regional work programmes were provided to the Deputy Secretary - Relationships and Information, and subsequently included in the quarterly wāhanga reports to the Chief Executive.
- Information on the number of interventions completed and time spent on interventions conducted by regional offices was captured through the Information Research Management System (IRMS) and reported to National Office.
- Informal feedback was obtained from the network of Kaiwhakarite (fieldworkers) and other staff in the regions, through the programme evaluations which informed our working relationships with whānau, hapū, iwi, Māori communities and organisations.
- Feedback from key stakeholders that indicated a general satisfaction with services provided was also gained from meetings in each region, attended by the Chief Executive.
These processes superseded our initial intention to measure increased satisfaction through formal surveys in all regional offices.
The specified deliverables in the Regional plans were assessed by comparison against deadlines set and modified during the course of the year.
Financial Performance
(figures are GST exclusive)
30/06/06 Actual $000 |
30/06/07 Actual $000 |
30/06/07 Supp Estimates $000 |
30/06/07 Main Estimates $000 |
10,292 | Revenue Crown | 10,013 | 10,013 | 9,645 |
17 | Other Revenue | 42 | 40 | 17 |
10,309 | Total Revenue | 10,055 | 10,053 | 9,662 |
10,309 | Total Expenses | 9,922 | 10,053 | 9,662 |
0 | Net surplus/(deficit) | 133 | 0 | 0 |
Operations Management
The Minister purchased outputs that were designed to ensure the efficient and effective management of operational programmes that were administered by Te Puni Kōkiri.
Quality, quantity and timeliness performance measures for Ministerial servicing are reported under Ministerial servicing Performance in this report.
All work produced was aligned to the statement of intent 2006/07 where our approach was to enable Māori to participate and succeed as Māori. In 2006/07 Te Puni Kōkiri delivered a number of funding programmes to groups.
These included:
- Departmental Programmes
- Kaitātaki-ā-Rohe (KAR)
- Kapohia ngā Rawa (KNR)
- Special Housing Action Zones (SHAZ)
- Non-Departmental Programmes
- Māori Potential Fund; Mātauranga, Whakamana and Rawa
- Māori Regional Tourism Organisation (MRTO)
Kaitātaki-ā-Rohe (KAR)
In 2006/2007 $3.386m was expensed (from a departmental budget of $3.300m).
Implementation of KAR commenced on 1 July 2002 after the merger of the Tahua Kaihoatu and Specialist Advisor funds in March 2002. The funding streams supported positively assigned Māori Development Workers responding directly to Māori development who were:
- selected from, worked with and accountable to their communities
- engaged on community directed development initiatives; and
- jointly supported by Te Puni Kōkiri and their community.
A total of 40 KAR development investments were targeted and 54 Māori Development worker investment projects were in place in 2006/07. The programme is responding directly in advancing Māori development, working together with whānau, hapū, iwi, Māori organisations and communities and also serving to reduce inequalities.
Highlights in 2006/07 included:
- Te Puna I Rangiriri – Te Puni Kōkiri has supported Te Puna I Rangiriri to invest in the Kaitātaki ā Rohe fund to foster the sporting skills of more that 20 rangatahi from Tauranga Moana. Rangatahi took part in a series of marae based wananga which looked at specific skill training, leadership and mentoring. Six monthly weekend wananga and two hour fortnightly sessions covered areas such as personal, sports and cultural development. The programme gives participants the opportunity to build and promote their confidence.
Kiekie Marae – Kiekie Marae’s Combined Hapū Development Project in Waipiro Bay is a recipient of Kaitātaki ā Rohe investment. The KAR co-ordinator works full time on this project which aims to empower whānau and hapū to develop their resources, preserve ancestral heritage and provide more opportunity for whānau, hapū and members of the Waipiro Bay community. It seeks to give effect to this through the consolidation of current projects including:
- Supporting Kiekie Marae’s strategic planning, native tree nursery Project, horticulture based training and identification of employment opportunities;
- Supporting ngā Hapū o Waipiro Charitable Trust with strategic planning, governance and management training programmes, assisting the three hapū with their kaitiakitanga roles; and
- Supporting the Waipiro Bay/Te Puia Springs Community Services Charitable Trust with strategic planning, preparation for programme delivery through building capacity and scoping of new projects.
- Waipapa 9 Trust - A KAR who has lived in the Mokai region for over 30 years has prime responsibility for ensuring cadets are cared for in a Kaupapa Māori environment. Project training plans incorporating cultural awareness have been implemented with all 9 cadets receiving certificates on completing their 9 weeks introductory course. The trainees have subsequently moved to the full 44 week training programme that is progressing well.
Te Arawa Future Farming - The KAR for Te Arawa Future Farming mentors trainees, whether that be completing their Unit Standards, or out on locally owned Te Arawa farm blocks. He has good rapport with both the farm managers and the individual trainees achieving some good outcomes including
- seven trainees into fulltime work on Māori owned blocks; and
- four trainees into part-time work on individually owned farms.
Te Taumata Matauranga O Ngāti Whakaue - Te Taumata Matauranga O Ngāti Whakaue has acknowledged the appointment of the Kaitātaki ā Rohe programme which has resulted in significant progress towards the realisation of the Whānau Centre for Ngāti Whakaue.
Achievements to date highlight completion of the operations plan which links to the vision of Ngāti Whakaue Iho Ake – strong families, and completion of the architectural designs for the centre which has been approved by the landlord.
A successful Matariki event at the proposed centre indicates the keen interest and whānau support for the centre. - Te Runanga o Nga Maata Waaka - to manage and administer a KAR position for the Nga Hau e Wha national Charitable trust - Māori Business Development Project. The project aimed the Nga Hau e Wha Charitable trust to support facilitation and establishment of a limited liability company to sustain the marae management and its operations.
- Te Whānau a Rakaiora - Combined hapū project aimed to empower whānau and hapū to develop their resources, preserve ancestral heritage and provide more business, social and environmental opportunities by encouraging collaboration of a skill base within a small community. The KAR is responsible for facilitating and co-ordinating land based developments, (Native tree conservation and organic production); Social Services registration and the establishment of a hapū legal entity to manage common assets.
- Ngā Marae o te Puaha - The KAR facilitated a planning wananga to identify economically sustainable options for the Marae, identified and assessed options for the establishment of a Whare Wananga with agreement and relationship with Te Whare Wananga o Raukawa. Additionally, the KAR co-ordinated economic development projects including river restoration, bush harvesting, organic gardens, flax cropping, tourism and cultural arts and crafts.
- Uplifting the Oruawharo District - The project focused on three major outcomes:
- Whānaungatanga - strengthening relationships with government and non-government agencies and establishing a community brokerage service;
- Taonga Tuku Iho - enhancing cultural heritage by facilitating for whānau to increase their participation and practice of te reo and tikanga and promote toi Māori potential; and
- Te Ao Turoa - Caring for the environment by developing an environmental plan that addresses issues and needs including storm water and waste water.
Kapohia ngā Rawa (KNR)
In 2006/07 $2.651m was expensed (from a $2.911m departmental budget) where the objectives of the KNR programme were to:
- transform the experience of Māori from dependency to development through education, employment and enterprise; and
- guide Māori towards sustainable choices and appropriate decision making.
The programme consisted of development workers and mentors spread among the ten regional offices to assist communities to access information and support them in its use.
Highlights in 2006/07 included:
- Māori in the City: The Tāmaki Makaurau Regional Māori Creative Strategy was supported by a KNR development worker with expertise and experience in event management to Project Manage Māori in the City. This event brought together and showcased Māori involved in the creative sectors and encompassed film, food, fashion, music, art and culture.
- Whanaketanga: the Waikato regional priority of Whanaketanga (economic opportunities) was ably supported by a KNR development worker with a wealth of experience in economic development within the private sector and iwi organisations.
The knowledge and expertise of the KNR has assisted Māori organisations with a range of initiatives including land development, aquaculture, business development, resource management activities and iwi management plans. -
Cultural Enhancement: The Takitimu Regional priorities of Marae Development, Te Reo Māori Development and Rangatahi Development were supported by KNR development workers. Achievements included:
- support of the implementation of the Ngāti Kahungunu Te Reo Strategy in collaboration with Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Inc.;
- support for the development of planning tools for urban marae;
- an in depth survey of all the Marae in the Takitimu Region;
- development of a Rangatahi database profiling senior secondary school students; and
- the organisation and co-ordination of a Rangatahi Leaders conference.
- Māori Land Development: is an identified outcome of the work currently being undertaken by a KNR development worker. The focus of this project is to build on and strengthen current relationships between Māori of Te Moana A Toi and Local Government in an effort to work collaboratively and collectively in partnership toward supporting Māori Land Development that will in turn boost the local social and economic economy of the Region.
National Mentoring Provision: National mentoring positions enabled Te Puni Kōkiri to utilise the specialist skills of individuals for activities that had a national focus. Through these positions, mentoring support and leadership has assisted:
- the Māori Battalion Year of the Veteran activities;
- the New Zealand Māori Wardens strategic development, motivational addresses to rangatahi;
- Māori women in business;
- sports groups and university graduates; and
- the provision of expert advice on celestial navigation and waka construction.
Special Housing Action Zones (SHAZ)
In 2006/07 $0.456m was expensed (from a $0.456m departmental budget). Eleven housing projects were supported with SHAZ operational funding.
The primary objective of the SHAZ Programme was to resolve serious housing need within a designated Special Housing Action Zone by facilitating and resourcing a hapū, iwi, and/or an appropriate community response.
A secondary objective was to ensure each housing intervention produced at least one parallel intervention relevant to the Government’s social policy goals, such as, improved health, employment or training opportunities for hapū, iwi, and local community members, and reducing inequalities.
Highlights in 2006/07 included:
- Construction of eight homes for home ownership by beneficiaries of Te Uri O Hau Settlement Trust
- Murupara Community Maintenance project, with the completion of exterior painting to five homes
- Construction of three homes utilising natural resources for the Te Urumingi Whānau Trust; and
- Implemented Uawa Maintenance concept to four communities; Te Karaka, Manutuke, Patutahi and Muriwai and one within the Tūranga healthy rohe for which 35 homes were scoped for repair work.
Māori Potential Fund
The Māori Potential Fund came into effect from 1 July 2006, when the non-departmental appropriations for 7 programmes were collapsed into three new Non-Departmental Output Expenses: Mātauranga (knowledge/skills), Rawa (Resources) and Whakamana (Leadership). The purpose of the Fund is to make outcomes-based investments that realise Māori potential by enabling improved life quality for Māori.
During 2006/07 Te Puni Kokiri made over 410 investments through the Māori Potential Fund. Investment areas included ‘Marae and Land Development’, ‘Māori Tourism’, ‘Family Violence Prevention’, ‘Te Reo Māori’ and the ‘Creative Sector’.
New systems and processes were put in place for administration of the Māori Potential Fund, including development of a set of key principles to guide investment decisions and revision of the Ministry’s Operations Manual. During 2007/08 Te Puni Kōkiri will further refine its investment approach as learnings become available from the first year of the Fund’s operation.
Māori Regional Tourism Organisation (MRTO)
In 2006/07 $0.160m was expensed (from $0.175m appropriated) to support 12 Māori Regional Tourism Organisations.
The purpose of this fund was to assist MRTO to:
- develop business capabilities within Māori tourism businesses
- enhance the quality of Māori tourism in the regions
- promote the interests of Māori tourism within key industry organisations; and
- strengthen relationships with existing regional tourism organisations.
The tourism sector has been a key focus for Te Puni Kōkiri. It has shown significant growth over the last three years and developed an infrastructure of 12 Māori regional tourism organisations (MRTOs) – working with and representing Māori tourism businesses - and a national body, which has become involved in developing policy and working closely with government and providing a national strategic oversight to Māori tourism. There are now over 350 Māori tourism businesses registered with the New Zealand Māori Tourism Council (NZMTC).
The performance standard required work to be produced to the satisfaction of whānau, hapū, iwi, Māori communities and Māori organisations, with compliance of the programme funding criteria and contract management policy and standards.
Stakeholder surveys
- Informal feedback was obtained from the network of Kaiwhakaite (fieldworkers) and other staff in the regions, by way of programme evaluations which informed our working relationships with whānau, hapū, iwi, Māori communities and organisations.
- Feedback from key stakeholders indicating a general satisfaction of services provided was also gained from meetings in each region, attended by the Chief Executive.
These processes superseded our initial intention to measure increased satisfaction through formal surveys in all regional offices.
Work was produced that complied with programme funding criteria and contract management policy and standards.
The performance required all specified reporting deadlines to be assessed against deadlines set in the regional plans.
The specified deliverables in the regional plans were assessed by comparison against deadlines set and modified during the course of the year.
Financial Performance
(figures are GST exclusive)
30/06/06 Actual $000 |
30/06/07 Actual $000 |
30/06/07 Supp Estimates $000 |
30/06/07 Main Estimates $000 |
13,651 | Revenue Crown | 14,823 | 14,823 | 14,300 |
39 | Other Revenue | 56 | 52 | 17 |
13,690 | Total Revenue | 14,879 | 14,875 | 14,317 |
13,528 | Total Expenses | 14,731 | 14,875 | 14,317 |
162 | Net surplus/(deficit) | 148 | 0 | 0 |
Services to the Māori Trustee
This output class involved the provision of full office services to the Māori Trustee, including personnel, accommodation and corporate support.
The Māori Trustee (as established by The Māori Trustee Act 1953) exists:
- to protect and enhance the interests of Māori clients and their resources
- to manage the adverse effects of fragmented and multiple ownership of Māori land; and
- to provide fair, proper and prudent administration and management of clients’ assets within the principles and obligations of trusteeship and agency.
The quality and quantity of services were provided as detailed in the agreement between the Chief Executive of Te Puni Kōkiri and the Māori Trustee.
The Māori Trustee’s assessment of the services provided by Te Puni Kōkiri was sought, and he indicated that he was more than satisfied with the level of services provided by and agreed to, with Te Puni Kōkiri. The cost of the services provided exceeded the fee for services negotiated with the Māori Trustee at the beginning of the financial year.
Financial Performance
(figures are GST exclusive)
30/06/06 Actual $000 |
30/06/07 Actual $000 |
30/06/07 Supp Estimates $000 |
30/06/07 Main Estimates $000 |
4,586 | Revenue Crown | 4,649 | 4,649 | 4,349 |
40 | Other Revenue | 42 | 40 | 40 |
4,626 | Total Revenue | 4,691 | 4,689 | 4,389 |
4,327 | Total Expenses | 4,781 | 4,689 | 4,389 |
299 | Net surplus/(deficit) | (90) | 0 | 0 |
Ministerial Servicing Performance
The performance measure set in the Statement of Intent 2006/07 aimed to:
- provide responses on time in 95% or more cases; and
- achieve a ministerial satisfaction rating of “good”, “very good”, or “excellent” in the four monthly survey of ministerial satisfaction.
Te Puni Kōkiri met the agreed ministerial servicing timelines across all output classes as outlined below, in 96.5% of cases in 2006/07. This is an improvement on 2002/03, 2003/04, 2004/05 and 2005/06 performance where 79%, 86%, 87% and 93% of ministerial documents respectively met the timelines. This upward trend is an extremely pleasing result.
Outputs |
Delivery Timeframe Target |
Delivery Timeframe Actual |
Responses to Ministerial correspondence | Within one month | 96% |
Parliamentary Questions | Within 4 working days | 95% |
Briefings | Individually agreed | 96% |
Speech notes | Individually agreed | 100% |
Official Information Act requests | Within 20 working days | 95% |
Ombudsman Complaints | Within 20 working days | 100% |
Reports to the Māori Affairs Committee | Individually agreed | 100% |
Quality Assurance
The Te Puni Kōkiri approach to quality is to ensure our written and oral policy advice is of a consistent standard which meets the expectations of the Minister of Māori Affairs.
Te Puni Kōkiri seeks formal feedback from the Minister of Māori Affairs, in a quarterly survey, on his assessment of the quantity, quality and timeliness of policy advice (including oral advice). This was in addition to the regular meetings between the Chief Executive and his officials and the Minister of Māori Affairs throughout the year, where oral feedback was obtained and detailed discussions on issues or priorities occurred. In response to the survey the Minister said he was satisfied that “good” progress had occurred in the quality and timeliness of papers received.
In addition to the Minister’s satisfaction survey, the completion and referral of high quality policy advice (as defined by the quality characteristics) was assessed by an independent expert in Public Sector policy.
The assessment was based on the quality of criteria outlined in the Te Puni Kōkiri Quality Assurance Handbook. The assessed papers were chosen at random or for their potential significance.
The independent reviewer rated the quality of policy advice on a scale of 1 to 6, where 1 = poor, 2 = adequate, 3 = satisfactory, 4 = good, 5 = very good, and 6 = excellent. The results are reported below:
Assessment Critiera | Target | Score |
Purpose | 3.00 | 3.00 |
Logic | 3.00 | 3.00 |
Accuracy | 3.00 | 3.25 |
Options | 3.00 | 3.00 |
Consultation | 3.00 | 3.25 |
Practicality | 3.00 | 3.25 |
Presentation | 3.00 | 3.00 |
Average | 3.00 | 3.10 |
In addition, all advice provided was supported by a quality management process listed below:
- internal peer review
- adherence to the standards of the Te Puni Kōkiri Quality Assurance Handbook which defines quality standards; describes how the standards are determined, assessed and reported; describes the process of developing quality policy advice; and outlines the corporate support for these practices and processes.
- all Cabinet papers complied with the Cabinet Office Manual.
Performance Agreements
Performance agreements are developed annually for permanent staff. The performance agreement forms the basis for six monthly (as at December and June) individual performance reviews. The core competencies that are in the agreement have been identified as skills fundamental to the work of Te Puni Kōkiri. This process is an important part of the organisation’s evaluation of each individual’s contribution to the work of Te Puni Kōkiri, and is an effective vehicle for continuous improvement.