Ensuring a secure event for all the whānau

Venue Response Ltd (VR Ltd)is a unique Rotorua business ensuring whānau enjoy a safe and enjoyable event no matter where it is in the city.

Tony Parkers who founded and manages VR Ltd says: “It can sometimes be quite difficult for a Māori business to compete and survive against the big players but don’t be despondent and don’t give up.”

That perseverance and attitude helped VR Ltd to become the only regional security business that has secured local stadium rights.

The business has been operating since 2006 and employs anywhere between five and 300 casual staff depending on the events that Tony is servicing. Tony has a contract with Rotorua District Council to provide security for their events and also works at most of the events (eg concerts, games) held at the Rotorua International Stadium.

Tony and his colleague, Operations Manager Angela Hawkins, operate VR Ltd out of Rotorua International Stadium.

VR Ltd provides event management and security services business exclusively to the stadium and the wider Rotorua community. VR Ltd has provided their services to every sports match at the stadium as well as other events such as Raggamuffin.

In collaboration with other security companies operating within the Bay of Plenty district, VR Ltd has delivered services outside of the Rotorua district.

Tony and Angela built VR Ltd alongside of Glenn Hawkins whom they describe as a “driving force”. Tony acknowledges that his mentor has enabled VR Ltd to succeed, in addition to the support that he has received through Te Puni Kōkiri’s Māori Business Facilitation Service.

For more information contact Tony Parker on 07 348 6808 or 021 249 608.