Extra Funding for Iwi Radio

The importance of Māori language and culture as an integral part of Māori identity and New Zealand’s national identity was recognised in Budget 2009.

Operating funding for iwi radio was boosted by $1.2 million over 2009/10 and 2010/11. Is designed to maintain high-quality te reo programmes and extend their community involvement.

Associate Māori Affairs Minister Georgina te Heuheu, who has delegated responsibility for broadcasting within the Māori Affairs portfolio, said the active protection and promotion of Māori language and culture is for the benefit of all New Zealanders.

“The cultural renaissance of the past 25 years, including the growing use of the Māori language, has underpinned growing Māori self-confidence and economic development,” she said.

“Broadcasting, whether it is on radio or television, is a key element in maintaining language, culture and identity.”

The provisions announced in the Budget amounted to an additional $50,000 for each of the iwi stations. The increased funding will come from Te Māngai Pāho and Te Puni Kōkiri.

Iwi stations deliver 61,000 hours of te reo content each year. Hon Georgina te Heuheu said the increased funding will help the stations provide Māori language content which will increase the knowledge and use of the language.