Te Tai Hauāuru: Tira Hoe Waka 2009

Whanganui iwi were joined by King Tuheitia and his whānau, along with kaumātua and Tainui kapa haka group Ngā Pou o Roto on the annual Tira Hoe Waka this year. King Tuheitia’s daughter Ngawai Hono i te Po celebrated her 12th birthday at Pipiriki on 13 January 2009. Ngawai was gifted to Whanganui at the time of her birth when Te Arikinui Dame Te Atairangikahu was travelling the Tira Hoe Waka in 1997. The name Ngawai Hono i te Po on represents the coming together of the two mighty rivers Waikato and Whanganui. Te Puni Kōkiri also supported the Tira Hoe Waka.