Last updated: Rāpare, 13 Whiringa ā-nuku, 2022 | Thursday, 13 October 2022
Whānau Ora puts whānau and families in control of the services they need to work together, building on their strengths to achieve their aspirations. It differs from traditional social and health approaches that focus solely on the needs of individuals.
The independent review of Whānau Ora in 2018, Tipu Mātoro ki te Ao, confirmed that the whānau ora approach works and results in positive change for whānau that can be sustainable and intergenerational. The review recommended extending the whānau ora approach into other government sectors.
Paiheretia te Muka Tangata - Uniting the threads of whānau is the first step towards expanding Whānau Ora and extending whānau centred approaches across the public sector. This kaupapa is focused on supporting tāne Māori under 30 years who are engaged with the Corrections system and their whānau.
You can read more about Whānau Ora here.