National Strategy Engagement: Eliminating family violence and sexual violence

Te Puni Kōkiri is one of 10 Government agencies working with tangata whenua and communities to create a new national strategy and action plans to eliminate family violence and sexual violence in Aotearoa New Zealand.

Published: Wednesday, 9 June 2021 | Rāapa, 09 Pipiri, 2021

It is an important kaupapa for Te Puni Kōkiri, with a finding Māori were more likely to be victims of both family violence (4.8% compared to 2.1% for the total population) and intimate partner or sexual violence: (23% compared to 16% for the total population).

The strategy is being developed, informed by engagement with Māori and communities with experience of family violence and sexual violence These community-led hui are asking people to consider: What do you think needs to be in a National Strategy and Action Plan, from your communities’ point of view?

The government is prioritising tangata whenua and communities such as rangatahi/tamariki, older people, rainbow communities, people who use violence, and victims-survivors.

In addition to the hui, people can give their thoughts by filling out an online survey (external link) on Citizen Space, a safe and confidential online platform hosted by the Ministry of Justice. Submissions can also be sent by individuals or groups, by post or emailed written, voice recording or video statements.

More information about the kaupapa can be found at

Emerging themes will also be made available on the violence free website as the engagement progresses.