Kei aku rangatira, tēnā tātou katoa.
Tēnā hoki tātou i te āhua ki ō tātou mate e hingahinga mai ana i ō tātou marae maha huri i te motu. Ko rātou i kaiwaka ai te rangi, i iwikore ai te tangata kei te pae o mahara rātou katoa. Ko tātou ngā mahuetanga iho hei pikau i ngā mahi i mahia e rātou. Waihoki, ko te tohe nui a te Māori i roto i ngā ngahurutanga tau, ko te tohe mō tō tātou whenua. Kōkiritia tonutia tērā whawhai nui.
Published: Friday, 31 March 2017 | Rāmere, 31 Poutūterangi, 2017
Te Ururoa Flavell
Firstly I want to personally acknowledge everyone who has contributed and helped to shape the direction of the reform, not just recently, but over many years.
Many people have been involved in whenua Māori issues for a long time and this work has been passed through the generations. Many people have also attended workshops, hui and wānanga, and taken the time to make submissions on this important kaupapa. Ko tēnei au ka mihi.
I also acknowledge that some may be asking, ‘where are we up to with the reforms?’ or ‘what has happened since I attended the hui or wānanga?’
In response let me say we have been working hard to remove long standing barriers that land owners have raised with me. A lot of work has also gone in to strengthen protections to retain our whenua.
While that work continues we are providing assistance to Māori land owners looking at opportunities and possibilities for their whenua through the Whenua Māori Fund.
This edition of Kōkiritia updates you on where we are up to, what has been achieved, what is next and also where to go for further information.
Kia toaitia ngā kupu o te Pire:
“Ko tā tēnei Ture he whakaū i te noho pūmau o te whai tonu a te Māori i te mana me te tino rangatiratanga i kawea inamata, ā, e kawea tonu nei mō ō rātou whenua, ā rātou rawa me ā rātou taonga, e ai ki te tikanga Māori, e ai anō ki ngā kupu taurangi i tukua ki te Māori i Te Tiriti o Waitangi, e tiakina ai te mana o te hunga whai pānga ki te whenua Māori, kia noho pūmau ō rātou whenua ki a rātou, kia whakahaeretia, kia nohoia, kia whakatupuria ō rātou whenua hei taonga tuku iho, e whai painga ai ngā reanga o nāianei, me ērā e piki ake ana, tae atu ki ō rātou whānau me ō rātou hapū.”