The three Ahuwhenua Trophy finalists - Ngāi Tahu Farming Limited, Tewi Trust and The Proprietors of Rakaia Incorporation have hosted their field days. Last month the three finalists were announced by the Minister in Parliament . The winner will be announced Friday, 20 May.
Published: Tuesday, 29 March 2016 | Rātū, 29 Poutūterangi, 2016
Ngāi Tahu Farming Limited whose farms are located near the Canterbury township of Oxford. Their farms Te Ahu Patiki and Maungatere are in the area known as Te Whenua Hou and was originally a New Zealand Forest Service radiata pine plantation commonly known as Eyrewell Forest. Both farms are irrigated by water from the Waimakariri River, and milk a combined total of 2,230 cows. 8 March.
Ngāi Tahu, near Oxford, Canterbury – Ahuwhenua Trophy BNZ Māori Excellence in Farming Award, 11 February 2016. Photo by John Cowpland / alphapix
Several hundred people attended the first of the field days at Ngāi Tahu Farming, Te Whenua Hou, near Oxford, Canterbury – Ahuwhenua Trophy BNZ Māori Excellence in Farming Award, 08 March 2016. Photo by John Cowpland / alphapix
Tewi Trust is situated near the small South Waikato settlement of Okoroire near Tirau. The area is famous for its hot springs and its beautiful hotel. The farm consists of a 138ha effective milking platform on which is run a 430 cow Friesian herd. 11 March.
Tewi Trust, Matamata – Ahuwhenua Trophy BNZ Māori Excellence in Farming Award, 09 February 2016. Photo by John Cowpland / alphapix
Tewi Trust, Tirau Field Day – Ahuwhenua Trophy BNZ Māori Excellence in Farming Award, 11 March 2016. Photo by John Cowpland / alphapix
The Proprietors of Rakaia Incorporation’s Tahu a Tao farm has a long and proud history dating back to 1886. The present 216ha property near Ashburton runs around 830 Kiwi cross cows. Its name Tahu a Tao is the Māori name for Kyle, the district where the farm is located.
Rakaia Inc, near Rakaia – Ahuwhenua Trophy BNZ Māori Excellence in Farming Award, 11 February 2016. Photo by John Cowpland / alphapix
Rakaia Inc, Field Day – Ahuwhenua Trophy BNZ Māori Excellence in Farming Award, 16 March 2016. Photo by John Cowpland / alphapix
Te Puni Kōkiri is a sponsor of the Ahuwhenua trophy and the Ahuwhenua Young Māori Farmer award.