Te Tai Hauāuru: American Eagles on the Water

When it was first mooted that the American Eagles rugby team would be welcomed by Whanganui Iwi at Pūtiki Marae, and taken up the Whanganui River to be welcomed by the town, the team’s management was cautious of the possible risk to safety. They soon capitulated, however, when they realised the cultural significance of the journey on the awa.

The pōwhiri at Pūtiki Marae was fit for a king. You could see the delight on the team’s faces at being capped for the Rugby World Cup 2011 and having their photos taken in front of the Whare Tupuna. To top it all, off they paddled up the awa into Whanganui township, singing all the way, to be greeted by the townspeople. What a welcome!