Administrative Infrastructure and Capability covers legal structures, trustee roles and responsibilities, financial management, insurance, project planning, workforce and external relationships.
Last updated: Rāpare, 31 Hereturikōkā, 2023 | Thursday, 31 August 2023
What's on this page?
Oranga Marae
Oranga Marae is a programme of support, advice and investment for marae. It gives whanau and hapū advice and support to help develop their marae and achieve their goals. This support may include advice to get governance in place, funds for marae planning or feasibility/technical studies.
Oranga Marae is provided by Te Puni Kōkiri and the Department of Internal Affairs. Click here to visit the Oranga Marae webpage
Effective Governance Resources – Te Puni Kōkiri
Our Effective Governance resources provide detailed information for Māori organisations generally. It provides useful reference material including case studies and in some cases useful templates.
Community resource kit - Community Net Aotearoa
The Community Resource Kit is a guide to setting up and running community groups in New Zealand. It is for community, voluntary and iwi/Māori organisations, from small or emerging groups to more established organisations, and all the workers, volunteers and advisors working with these groups.
Funding Information Service
This Funding Information Service website is a database of different sources of funding. It is a subscription service, but there are organisations such as local councils and libraries that may have free access.
Charities Services
Should you register your marae as a charity? Charities Services has information for people involved in the governance of marae. It outlines things to consider when deciding whether to register under the Charities Act 2005.
Inland Revenue Department
Explains how marae treat payments of money or payments in kind for tax purposes. It will also help you decide if your marae needs to register as a charity or needs to complete a tax return.
Kaupapa Māori
This Kaupapa Māori website presents a range of practical tools to help Iwi and Māori organisations promote their kaupapa through:
- their organisation’s operations,
- measuring and monitoring their tribal programmes, and
- ensuring their commercial activities remain consistent with their kaupapa values and priorities.