Statement of Intent 2013 - 2016

Towards Outcomes: What we will do (cont...)

Outcome Two: Whāinga ki Mua

Māori are more secure, confident and expert in their own culture.

He Pae Tāwhiti Indicators

Protecting, Maintaining and Developing Taonga Māori

  • More Māori people can speak the Māori language.
  • More Māori people are affiliated with their iwi.
  • Māori people are engaging more often with their marae.
  • The Māori cultural estate is protected and enhanced, as Māori people identify and manage their connection to their ancestral lands, wāhi tapu and other physical taonga.
  • He Whakamārama Rationale Māori culture is the defining characteristic of whānau, hapū and iwi Māori. Māori culture is an important driver of Māori development in and of itself, and Māori people are invested in maintaining and developing their lands and other physical taonga, and language and other mātauranga in ways which support them as culturally distinct peoples. Māori culture has also proven to be a key catalyst in growing Māori participation in pre-school, improving education outcomes for Māori learners and supporting strong and diverse participation in the economy. This adds to a growing body of evidence that Māori people who are secure in their cultural identity, and active in the practice of their culture, tend to achieve better social and economic outcomes.


    He Pae Tata Desired Impacts
    • Our approach promotes and results inactive Māori leadership of the retention, practise and development of their language and cultural heritage utilising customary and contemporary platforms.
    • Our state sector leadership and support for Māori language and culture policy, and related work supports Māori access to, acquisition, use and enjoyment of their language and cultural heritage.
    • Our advice on and support for iwi and hapū interests in their shared cultural estates promotes ways to improve access, use and development arrangements by the estate owners.
    • We will promote processes to achieve more frequent and more meaningfulconsideration of iwi and hapū perspectives in policy development and decision-making across local and central government.


    Whaia kia Tata
    Achieving the Desired Impacts

    We will provide leadership across the state sector, and contribute a mix of supporting advice, local level facilitation, investment, and trial initiatives to inform Government on:

    • the protection and development of taonga Māori, with a particular emphasis on revising the Government’s current Māori Language Strategy to 2028;
    • opportunities to support Māori-led promotion and take up of tereo Māori across new and emerging technology-based platforms;
    • pilot investment in marae as hubs of cultural practise for whānau, hapū and other marae-based collectives;
    • enhancing Māori engagement with,and utilisation of,their collectively owned assets and cultural estates, with a particular emphasis on Māori land under Te Ture Whenua Māori; and
    • its ownership and purchase interests in Māori language entities funded through Vote Māori Affairs