Annual Report for the Year Ended 30 June 2010

Whānau Ora Administration

Scope of Appropriation: This appropriation is limited to activities associated with implementing, developing and evaluating the Whānau Ora service delivery approach.


Performance Measures Budget Standard Actual Standard
This appropriation is established to administer the Whānau Ora service delivery approach through the NON-DEPARTMENTAL MultiClass Output Appropriation; “Whānau Ora based Service Development”, funded from 2010/11    
Whānau Ora Governance Group
Provision of advice to the Minister Responsible for Whānau Ora (the Minister) on policy settings, priorities and regional management:    
To the satisfaction of the Minister on a scale of 1 to 5 Minimum score of 3 Not achieved, as no formal survey but Minister responsible for Whānau Ora expresses satisfaction in written form
Within agreed timeframes 95% meets timeframes 94% of timeframes met.
Regional Leadership Groups
Establish Regional Leadership Groups 10 Regional Leadership Groups established by 30 June 2010 10 Regional Groups were established by 30 June 2010
The Regional Leadership Groups will make recommendations and provide high quality advice to the Whānau Ora Governance Group, lead strategic change for Whānau Ora within their region, foster excellent communications and relationships, and provide positive representation of Whānau Ora at the local and regional level    
Whānau Ora Delivery
Implement a nationwide Expression of Interest (EOI) process to select first and potentially successive groups of providers to implement Whānau Ora  Invite EOIs by 30 June 2010 Achieved, process implemented in June 2010.
Develop and implement a research, evaluation and monitoring programme in order to measure the success of the Whānau Ora approach against the Whānau Ora Outcomes Framework and to inform future programme design and delivery 1 report on Action Research Programme and implementation processes Achieved, Report completed in June 2010.

Whānau Ora Taskforce Report

The launch at Te Puni Kōkiri's Wellington base in April 2010 was attended by up to 200 people, including guests from social and health service organisations, media and the tamariki and kaiako from Te Puna Reo o Ngā Kākano.

The report was jointly launched by the Acting Prime Minister Hon Bill English and the newly appointed Minister Responsible for Whānau Ora, Hon Tariana Turia. A copy of the report by the Taskforce on Whānau Centred Initiatives is available online at

Implementing the Whānau Ora Approach
Te Puni Kokiri began its lead role for the implementation of the Whānau Ora Approach in March 2010, gaining approval for the establishment of a Whānau Ora Governance Group to oversee an implementation plan that was approved by the Cabinet Social Policy Committee. Following the announcement of funding under Budget 2010 for the implementation of the Whānau Ora Approach, more than a dozen regional hui were undertaken with providers from around the country to inform them of the planning to date.

More than 4,500 stakeholders attended these hui around the country over the month of May 2010. At the end of the financial year 10 Regional Leadership Groups were established, following an open nominations process and appointment by the Minister Responsible for Whānau Ora. At the same time Expressions of Interest were called for the first wave of providers and collectives to move in Whānau Ora Programmes of Action.

Whānau Ora reflects the aspirations of every New Zealander to be selfmanaging and to take responsibility for their social, economic and cultural development. It will require agencies of Government to work together in better and smarter ways to support whānau and families as a whole as opposed to separately working with individuals. It is intended that providers will work flexibly with whānau through coordinated and aligned service settings and priorities of both government agencies and nongovernment organisations. An important part of supporting providers will be the inclusion of a contract integration process in the Whānau Ora Programme of Action. It is expected that first wave providers will move into Programmes of Action from October 2010.

(figures are GST exclusive)

Revenue Crown
Other Revenue
Total Revenue
Total Expenses
Net surplus/(deficit)


Building an evidence base to understand and measure state sector effectiveness for Māori

Part of Te Puni Kōkiri's role, enabled through the Ministry of Māori Development Act 1991, is to monitor and liaise with agencies that provide services to or for Māori. During 2009/10, Te Puni Kōkiri further consolidated a dual approach to examining the effectiveness of services to Māori that aims to:

  • Build and make available an evidence base, through research, statistical analysis and monitoring to understand the wider state sector's effectiveness for Māori; and
  • Focus the wider state sector on improving its effectiveness for Māori. In line with the intent of this approach, Te Puni Kōkiri completed work across the following areas:


Research plays a critical role in ensuring that Te Puni Kōkiri's advice is based on evidence. Research undertaken by Te Puni Kōkiri aims to focus on relevant and emerging issues, through research in selected policy areas. Key research work included case studies on:

  • Māori representation and participation in local government,
  • Linking qualifications from Wānanga to employment; and
  • Māori entrepreneurship.

Statistical information

Statistical analysis is used to measure trends in outcomes for Māori, and it contributes to the evidence base used to provide advice to the Minister of Māori Affairs. Key statistical projects in 2009/10 included:

  • Three published fact sheets:
  • Benefits of education for Māori,
  • Māori housing trends; and
  • Population projections for Māori.
  • A Māori Economic Benchmark Report was developed that enables close monitoring of key Māori employment trends;
  • Quarterly briefings on the Household Labour Force Survey provided the Minister of Māori Affairs with up to date advice on Māori employment trends during 2009/10; and
  • A benchmarking and trend analysis report on Measuring Māori well being.

In addition, ongoing work was carried out with key agencies to improve the collection, definition and interpretation of Māori statistics across official statistic collections. This included supporting Statistics New Zealand in the development of the Māori Social Survey.

Improving effectiveness

Adult Literacy and Numeracy

Te Puni Kōkiri completed a review of the State sector's contribution to improving literacy and numeracy for the Māori workforce. The final report was distributed to the six government agencies involved in the review and their respective Ministers.


The performance measure set in the Information Supporting the Estimates was to:

  • provide responses on time in 95% or more cases; and
  • achieve a ministerial satisfaction rating of “good”, “very good”, or “excellent” in the survey of ministerial satisfaction. Te Puni Kōkiri processed 1958 official documents in 2009/10 and achieved a ministerial servicing timeline across all output classes of 92%. This result compares favourably with last year and also shows an improvement in processing requests under the Official Information Act.
Outputs Delivery
Responses to Ministerial correspondence Within one month 94.5% 93.9%
 Parliamentary questions Within 4 working days 87.8% 100%
Briefings Individual agreed 91% 94.1%
Speech notes/Talking Points Individual agreed 93% 93.8
Official Information Act requests Within 20 working days 85% 80.5%
Ombudsman complaints Within 20 working days 100% 100%
Reports to the Māori Affairs Committee Individually agreed  100%  100%

Quality Assurance
The Te Puni Kōkiri approach to quality is to ensure our written and oral policy advice is of a consistently high standard which meets the expectations of the Minister of Māori Affairs. Te Puni Kōkiri received formal feedback from the Minister of Māori Affairs in an annual Ministerial assessment of the quantity, quality, and timeliness of policy advice. This was in addition to regular meetings, between the Chief Executive and his officials and the Minister of Māori Affairs throughout the year, where oral feedback was obtained and detailed discussions on issues or priorities occurred. In addition, an independent expert in public sector policy assessed the completion and referral of high quality policy advice (as defined by the quality characteristics).

The assessment was based on the quality of criteria outlined in the Te Puni Kōkiri Policy Guide and Quality Assurance Process Handbook. The assessed papers were chosen at random or for their potential significance. The independent reviewer rated the quality of policy advice on a scale of 1 to 6, where 1 = poor, 2 = adequate, 3 = satisfactory, 4 = good, 5 = very good, and 6 = excellent. The results are reported below:

Assessment Criteria Score 2009/10 Score 2008/09
Purpose 4.75 6.00
Logic 5.75 5.00
Accuracy 6.00 5.33
Options 5.50 5.00
Consultation 6.00 4.33
Practically 6.00 5.66
Presentation 5.00 5.16
Average 5.57 5.21