Evaluation of Investments in the Strengthening Management and Governance Programme

Appendix Two: Results of the SMG Online Survey

Questions 1 and 2 asked the name of the organisation and the designation of the person completing the survey.

Figure 1: Question 3 – Why did your organisation decide to participate in the SMG programme?

Bar chart showing following results: Potential for future funding opportunities 26%; Immediate development needs 38%; Was persuaded it would be useful 10%; Seemed like a good idea 4%; Other 23%


  1. Multiple responses were allowed, thus resulting in more than the number of total respondents, n=45.
  2. The percentages shown are calculated by dividing the number of responses per item by the total number of responses, n=84.
  3. Rounding-off of percentages to whole numbers may result in totals being greater or less than 100%.

Table 1: Question 4a – Has the SMG programme assisted your organisation to achieve (or improve) in the following areas?

Table 1: Question 4a – Has the SMG programme assisted your organisation to achieve (or improve) in the following areas?
Significantly Considerably To some extent Not at all Don’t know, can’t say
Clear vision, mission and value statements 19% 53% 26% 2% 0%
Leadership and management direction32%41%20%7%0%

Note: Rounding-off of percentages to whole numbers may result in totals being greater or less than 100%.

Table 2: Question 4b – Has the SMG programme assisted your organisation to achieve (or to improve) in the following areas?

Table 2: Question 4b – Has the SMG programme assisted your organisation to achieve (or to improve) in the following areas?
Governance Significantly Considerably To some extent Not at all Don’t know, can’t say
An appropriately structured governance board16%49%23%12% 0%
A high performing governance board9%45%36%9%0%
A governance board with a clear understanding of its roles, responsibilities and legal obligations19%40%33%9% 0%
A governance board comprising members with relevant skills5%45%45%5% 0%
A governance board with a clear understanding of its stewardship responsibilities14%41% 36%7%2%
A governance board operating with a strategic focus16%49%28%7% 0%

Note: Rounding-off of percentages to whole numbers may result in totals being greater or less than 100%.

Table 3: Question 4c – Has the SMG programme assisted your organisation to achieve (or to improve) in the following areas?

Table 3: Question 4c – Has the SMG programme assisted your organisation to achieve (or to improve) in the following areas?
Management Significantly Considerably To some extent Not at all Don’t know, can’t say
Appropriate human resource management including succession planning, recruitment, remuneration, performance management, code of conduct and staff training 14% 50% 32% 5% 0%
Robust financial management including financial/accounting systems, cashflow management, payments and payroll, and internal controls 25% 43% 20% 11% 0%
Strong organisational structure including computer, IT systems, facilities management, and equipment 20% 41% 30% 7% 2%
Positive stakeholder management including relationship management, stakeholder management, communications, and strategic partnerships and collaborations 7% 57% 25% 11% 0%
Sound risk management including business continuity and disaster recovery, and risk monitoring11% 45%34%9%0%
Rigorous planning processes including strategic, business and financial and HR planning 16% 61% 18% 5% 0%
Effective monitoring and evaluation of business processes, performance and service delivery 7% 43% 43% 7% 0%
Clear operational policies and procedures including quality systems, delegations and decision making 23% 40% 30% 7% 0%

Note: Rounding-off of percentages to whole numbers may result in totals being greater or less than 100%.

Table 4: Question 5 – Did your organisation’s involvement with the SMG programme give you increased:

Table 4: Question 5 – Did your organisation’s involvement with the SMG programme give you increased:
Area / Focus Significantly Considerably To some extent Not at all Don’t know, can’t say
Understanding of your organisation’s strengths39%41%18%2% 0%
Understanding of your organisation’s weaknesses39%43%18%0% 0%
Confidence in your decision-making processes25%41%30%5% 0%
Appreciation of your accountability to Māori organisations21%47%23%9% 0%
Understanding of your mandate and representation28%40%21%12% 0%
Confidence in negotiating with government and other funding organisations18%41%30% 10%2%
Confidence in ensuring the ongoing sustainability of your organisation26%35%30% 7%2%
Motivation to deliver a high quality service34%48%11%7% 0%

Note: Rounding-off of percentages to whole numbers may result in totals being greater or less than 100%.

Figure 2: Significance of the SMG programme’s contribution to Māori organisations (a graph of the above results)

Line chart showing significance of contribution of the SMG programme for each of the areas/focus in Table 4.

Figure 3: Question 6 – How would you rate the contribution of the SMG programme to your organisation?

Pie chart showing following results: Little or no difference 2%; A small difference 5%; A worthwhile difference 48%; A decisive difference 45%

Table 5: Question 7 – How does your organisation rate the performance of the SMG programme in the following areas?

Table 5: Question 7 – How does your organisation rate the performance of the SMG programme in the following areas?
Area / Focus Excellent Very Good Good Low Very low
Te Puni Kōkiri appointment of independent assessors36%44%18%0% 2%
Independence of assessor’s advice44%31%2%2% 0%
Flexibility of approach51%38%16%2%0%
Confidentiality of assessor’s report52%30%18%0% 0%
Value added to your organisation by the assessor’s report and tools44%31%20%4% 0%
Solution orientation of the assessor’s report42%31%20%4% 2%
Professionalism of the assessors62%24%11%2%0%
Respect of assessors towards the tikanga, kawa and kaupapa of the organisation62%27%11%0% 0%
Assessor’s genuine concern for your organisation58%27%16%0% 0%
Availability of remedial support from Te Puni Kōkiri33%24%24%11%0%
Other support from Te Puni Kōkiri30%25%27%14% 5%
Improved relationship with Te Puni Kōkiri22%38%27%11%2%

Note: Rounding-off of percentages to whole numbers may result in totals being greater or less than 100%.

Table 6: Question 8 – Is your organisation still working on the assessor’s recommendations?

Table 6: Question 8 – Is your organisation still working on the assessor’s recommendations?
No. of respondents Percentage
Yes 45 100%
No 0 0%
Total 45 100%

Table 7: Question 9 – In relation to the assessor’s recommendations, approximately what proportion of these has your organisation implemented?

Table 7: Question 9 – In relation to the assessor’s recommendations, approximately what proportion of these has your organisation implemented?
No. of respondents Percentage
All of them 5 11%
Most of them 25 56%
About half of them 5 11%
About a quarter of them 1 2%
A few of them 7 16%
None of them 1 2%
No answer 1 2%
Total 45 100%

Note: Rounding-off of percentages to whole numbers may result in totals being greater or less than 100%.

Table 8: Question 10 – Of the recommendations not implemented, what was the main reason for not following through? (Multiple responses allowed)

Table 8: Question 10 – Of the recommendations not implemented, what was the main reason for not following through? (Multiple responses allowed)
No. of respondents Percentage
Lack of resources 17 33%
Changes in organisational priorities 18 35%
Lack of relevance 4 8%
Disagreement with assessor’s view 1 2%
Other 12 23%
Total 52 101%

Note: Rounding-off of percentages to whole numbers may result in totals being greater or less than 100%.

Multiple responses account for greater than 45 total respondents.

Table 9: Question 11 – What aspects of the programme could be improved on if resources were available?

Table 9: Question 11 – What aspects of the programme could be improved on if resources were available?
Common Themes
Coaching/mentoring by experts
Co-funding for remediation work
Additional funding for remediation work
Follow-up work after implementation of recommendations
A complete suite that covers assessment, remediation work and review of progress
Facilitated self-analysis
Commitment from programme recipients, otherwise refund the money

Table 10: Question 12 – What other resources (either government or private) could assist your organisation with carrying out its governance and management functions?

Table 10: Question 12 – What other resources (either government or private) could assist your organisation with carrying out its governance and management functions?
Common Themes
Governance and management training (e.g. best practice governance workshops)
Governance toolkits
A governance help line
Financial support to attract high calibre trustees
Funding to attend Institute of Directors training
Support for strategic development
Training and monitoring of recommendations
Access to templates (e.g. evaluation, business plan, IT checklist)
Forum for discussing governance and management issues

Table 11: Question 13 – Who do you think should be providing the resources?

Table 11: Question 13 – Who do you think should be providing the resources?
Common Themes
Government (e.g. Te Puni Kōkiri)
Private sector
Private sector, facilitated by Te Puni Kōkiri
Māori providers