Success is a relative thing. A person’s situation and past can often influence their current path’s trajectory. The various stories featured in this issue of Kōkiri illustrate this point perfectly.
Published: Rāhina, 19 Mahuru, 2016 | Monday, 19 September 2016
Success is a relative thing. A person’s situation and past can often influence their current path’s trajectory. The various stories featured in this issue of Kōkiri illustrate this point perfectly. From successful Māori business women scaling the heights of public and corporate hierarchies, and succeeding, to an elderly homeless man of many years finding a home, and with it a sense of purpose in life - the total sum of these stories is success, albeit success relative to their particular situations.
Chief Executive of Te Puni Kōkiri, Michelle Hippolite, presents the award for the 2016 Ahuwhenua Young Māori Dairy Farmer of the Year, Jack Raharuhi.
Success can be moving like the story about the Ahuwhenua Māori Dairy Farmer of the Year, Jack Raharuhi. He went from a bored teenager on the wrong side of the tracks, to Manager of a 450 ha farm, with over 1000 c
ows and five full-time staff. He's not even 25 yet.
Success can be inspiring – our Māori women in business profiles show an impressive array of women who quietly but studiously work hard to make a difference. They are passionate, hard-working and absolutely amazing. Some raising families with one hand while balancing the books with the other. Truly inspiring!
Success can transform – many of us live lives where we take the basic necessities for granted, like a stable roof overhead, a robust floor below and a decent driveway to access our home. For the Sanderson whānau, getting assistance through funding from the Māori Housing Network to fix their home has literally transformed their life! They move from merely surviving to living better lives as a result.
Success can give you insight – the Whānau Ora kaupapa and experience, like the previous story, is also transformative. It’s a journey where whānau move from one point to another having grown, having strengthened, with a renewed focus and purpose. The transformative journey generates insight. Insight, seeing a problem in a different way, or understanding a set of circumstances differently can point the way out of a tough situation, and enable whānau to charter a new course for themselves to new places, new goals, and new pathways for success. Nancy Tuaine, our new Chief Advisor Whānau Ora, shares her insights about transformation and what whānau ora is.
Success can enable you to help others. Laddy’s life-story from being homeless and aimless, to be being housed and finding purpose, and his relationship with his kaiarahi, the Whānau Ora Navigator who helped him – is also a story about giving back, and continuing to serve.
As we here at Te Puni Kōkiri continue to embrace a whānau-centred approach to all our work, surely this lesson, Laddy’s lesson, supporting the success of others, to grow the success of a nation, is the most important! Kia kaha rā tātou!
Nā Michelle Hippolite