Economic report – planning for a post-COVID reality

The third of three reports Te Puni Kōkiri has commissioned into the economic and business impacts of COVID-19 is now available. 

Published: Rāpare, 04 Pipiri, 2020 | Thursday, 4 June 2020

The reports examine the current and anticipated impacts of COVID-19, and the risks and opportunities ahead, for land-based sectors and the Māori economy.

In response to COVID-19 restrictions and economic impacts, Māori land entities will need to make strategic decisions about their future. With the right inputs and done at the right time, these decisions can lay down the foundations for sustained growth and performance long after the pandemic is over.

This third report poses questions Māori land entities should consider to help them prepare for the future after COVID-19.

It also looks at how sectors important to Māori land entities could rebound when economic activity returns to a new normal.

Join us for a free webinar.

It is important to us that land owners and Māori land entities have a chance to ask, and have answered, any questions arising from reading the economic impact reports.

Please join us on Tuesday 16 June, 1.00pm to 2.00pm