Whānau Ora Taskforce Report Release

The Whānau Ora Taskforce Report jointly launched by the Acting Prime Minister Hon Bill English and the Minister Responsible for Whānau Ora, Hon Tariana Turia.

The launch at Te Puni Kōkiri’s Head Office in Wellington was attended by as many as 200 people, including guests from social and health service organisations, media and the tamariki and kaiako from Te Puna Reo o Ngā Kākano.

Minister Turia said whānau ora aimed to bring the nation forward through a focus on collective responsibility for our own. “Rather than having different agencies working with individual family members, Whānau Ora will work with whānau and families as a whole. By building on the strengths of the entire whānau, it will require agencies to work together in better and smarter ways to support whānau and families.”

Mr English said it is clear from results in recent years that traditional approaches to helping families in need have not worked that well. “People are capable of sorting out their own lives – so surely it’s within our grasp to recognise that and organise our own services around whānau and family.”

What does Whānau Ora mean?

Whānau ora reflects the aspirations of whānau to be self-managing and take responsibility for their social, economic and cultural development. a whānau ora approach will allow providers to work flexibly with whānau through coordinated and aligned service settings and priorities of government agencies and Non-Government Organisations (NGOs).

What does the Whānau Ora Taskforce Report say?

The Whānau Ora Report makes key recommendations focusing on dedicated resources, comprehensive outcomes-focused services and services that are culturally anchored in Te Ao Māori. The report acknowledges the role of local Māori leadership and knowledge to ensuring Whānau Ora services contribute in positive and realistic ways to local communities.

The Taskforce proposes the establishment of regional panels that will strengthen networks between providers, identify gaps in services, and highlight local priorities. The Taskforce Report identifies that Whānau Ora will be achieved when whānau are: self-managing; living healthy lifestyles; participating fully in Te Ao Māori; economically secure, actively and successfully involved in wealth creation; and cohesive, resilient and nurturing.

Taskforce members included Sir Mason Durie, Rob Cooper, Nancy Tuaine, Di Grennell, Suzanne Snively, and Linda Grennell. Their report captured views from 22 hui held nationally and more than 100 written submissions. The Government will formally respond to the Taskforce Report in the next month.

A full copy of the report by the Taskforce on Whānau Centred Initiatives with media statements, speeches and an FAQ sheet are now available online at Te Puni Kōkiri website: www.tpk.govt.nz

What will happen next?

To support the implementation of whānau ora, a Governance Group was also announced at the launch of the Taskforce Report. The Whānau Ora Governance Group will provide advice to ministers on policy priorities and provide leadership and coordination across government agencies and key stakeholders. Reporting directly to the Minister Responsible for Whānau Ora, Hon Tariana Turia, the group includes members of the former Whānau Ora Taskforce and the chief executives from Te Puni Kōkiri, Ministry of Social Development and Ministry of Health.

“If there is a single conclusion to our deliberations it is that the potential within whānau has never been greater and unleashing that potential will not only bring benefits to Māori but will add greatly to the nation and to the prospects of future generations.”

Hon Tariana Turia