Kaihoko (ngā tari kāwantanga)

Progressive procurement requires government agencies to increase the diversity of their suppliers, starting with Māori businesses. This approach aims to improve Māori participation in the economy and consider the wider social and economic benefits of engaging Māori businesses.

This policy, agreed by Cabinet in November 2020, requires buyers (mandated government agencies) to re-evaluate their procurement practices and make changes to ensure they are more inclusive.

Last updated: Rātū, 23 Hōngongoi, 2024 | Tuesday, 23 July 2024

Are you a buyer?

There are almost 150 government agencies required to implement this policy. See the list of mandated government agencies (buyers) on the MBIE website.

2 people looking at a computer screen

Investing in our supplier diversity

Te Puni Kōkiri and the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment are  supporting government agencies to implement the government progressive procurement policy, introduced in 2020.

The Government has set an 8% target of all annual government contracts to be awarded to Māori businesses. The initial 5% target was increased after it was exceeded in the first full year of reporting, hitting 6%.

Agency data reporting

Download a summary of the overall results for the progressive procurement reporting period from 1 July 2022 to 30 December 2022.

Download a summary of the overall results for the progressive procurement reporting period from 1 July 2021 to 30 December 2021.

Getting match-fit

There are some fundamental changes all buyers (mandated government agencies) can make to get ready for progressive procurement:

  1. Change
    Promote supplier diversity by being willing to remove barriers and change behaviour to support the progressive procurement policy. To capture Māori businesses in your reporting, we recommend that you insert a Māori business identifier into your financial/contract management systems and tender documents.
  2. Plan
    Think about which of your current suppliers are Māori businesses.
  3. Procure
    Ensure that procurement/contract opportunities are promoted to Māori businesses through GETS, agency websites, intermediaries or other appropriate channels in an open and transparent manner. Remember to ensure that processes are kept simple and truly reflect the value and complexity of the requirement. Experiment with agile and innovative ways to engage with Māori businesses that reduce the resources required to respond.
  4. Manage
    Manage the contract and relationship with the Māori business to ensure successful delivery of the contract. This includes providing feedback for supplier growth and receiving feedback from your supplier.

Leading the mahi

Our joint team with Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) are called Te Kupenga Hao Pāuaua which means to cast the fishing net wide and be enterprising.

Te Kupenga Hao Pauaua supports government agencies by:

  • Providing agencies with the tools needed to be “match fit” to implement the policy and reporting requirements.
  • Providing agencies with opportunities to engage with Māori businesses to learn more about the services they provide.
  • Providing agencies with avenues to feedback to Te Kupenga Hao Pauaua on the barriers to the implementation of the policy.
  • Identifying what databases are available of Māori businesses and the sections and regions they cover.

Kaimahi Uplift Programme

Māori are hugely underrepresented in government procurement roles, with less than 30 kaimahi identifying as Māori. Our programme aims to change that by training existing Māori government employees into a new procurement career pathway.

Our new programme offers:

  • Ongoing support for participants who join the programme
  • Mentoring for government Māori employees for a career in procurement
  • Some funding for each kaimahi Māori towards their salary, training and development
  • The use of te reo Māori me ngā tikanga Māori encouraged in everyday procurement settings.

You identify an existing agency employee for the programme and email  supplierdiversity@tpk.govt.nz

Case Studies

Check out case studies showcasing government agencies using progressive procurement.

Resources for Buyers