Te Taihauāuru: Te Tai Hauāuru Regional Leadership group

Te Tai Hauāuru Whānau Ora Regional Leadership Group (RLG) made a commitment to meet with all the communities around the rohe to promote Whānau Ora. In December the RLG held its monthly whānau forum in Taihape, which was hosted at Ōpaea Marae by Mōkai Pātea and the Ōtaihape Māori Kōmiti. Around 20 whānau members attended. After introductions, the Regional Leadership Group explained its leadership role in implementing the Whānau Ora policy in Te Tai Hauāuru. They heard a story of a whānau solution working so well with Police that it encouraged better engagement with local whānau leaders and the use of whānau solutions. The resolution was cost effective and sustainable. Those are solutions the Whānau Ora policy is seeking to achieve.