Māori Wardens Newsletter - October 2010

Māori Warden Training and Development Opportunities 2010/11

There are several training opportunities from August 2010 to July 2011; including Ngā Akoranga Pirihīmana, Emergency Evacuation and Incident Training, Security Training, Child Advocacy Training, and a First Aid Refresher course.

The Ngā Akoranga Pirihīmana course will be delivered throughout the country from October 2010. Following are locations and dates:

  • Christchurch, 3-6 October 2010
  • Rotorua, 14-17 November 2010

Please note this is a ‘live-in’ course and should you be accepted you will be required to stay on site for the duration of the course.

If you think you would like to complete the Ngā Akoranga Pirihīmana, read more about the other courses, or find out when and where these courses will be delivered visit www.tpk.govt.nz/en/in-focus/wardens/training/