Understanding whānau-centred approaches: Analysis of Phase One Whānau Ora research and monitoring results

The first phase of Whānau Ora (2010 – 2015) has focused on strengthening provider capability to design and deliver whānau-centred approaches.

This report presents findings from the research and monitoring programmes undertaken during the first phase to determine:

  • which components of whānau-centred approaches were evident during implementation, and the degree to which they aligned with recommendations from the Taskforce on Whānau-centred Initiatives
  • the different ways whānau-centred approaches were implemented across Whānau Ora collectives
  • main barriers and enablers to these approaches
  • the impacts on whānau
  • the implications for both Whānau Ora as an initiative and Whānau Ora as awider social sector approach.

This report is not an evaluation of Whānau Ora. Nor does it identify all outcomes achieved by Whānau Ora collectives.